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i have a leak inside the car looks like its coming from the heater matrix or one of the internal pipes has split or leaking! anyone know how to get to these easily without dimantling the whole internals of the car please?

water is coming into the passenger footwell soaked the carpet but cant see where its coming from due to all the innards!

any help appreciated asap.


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Have you noticed the water in the footwell after heavy rain? It could be leaking in from around the door, the sills or even the windscreen.

Are you losing coolant from the header tank under the bonnet? That would be an indication that you may have a heater matrix leaking. Unfortunately if it is the matrix, the dashboard has to come out in order to change it. There's no other way to get at it.


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hi kevin.

i am sure no leaks from sunroof/windows etc.

i removed passenger side carpet and is wet, investigated further and removed the passenger dash airbag part, found water trickling down from middle and running into passenger footwell, so it must be coming from the heater matrix or hoses, as refill expansion bottle and runs inside the car passenger side only! trouble is i cant get to it to see, half stripped car so far! wanting just to see if its the heater matrix or not, but you have a big box on the left inner side right in the way.

the aux belt snapped due toa siezed pulley wheel and car overheated slightly, so presume its popped the matrix dont you think?


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Sounds like it mate. You can't see the actual matrix even with the dash out. It's inside of that big black box. There are no pipes inside the car as such as the two water pipes that are under the bonnet and disapper into the bulkhead are connect to the matrix itself. I had mine changed recently only to find out it was fine. I was losing water slowly but it was not as you've described with water running down inside.

This was the inside when we were putting it all back together http://www.vr6oc.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?119591.110#post_314375. A bit of a mess to say the least

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