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VW ACTION 3rd to 5th Sep 2010

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Come chaps get your acts together and camp it up! (Not you Ben, you're camp enough!!)

How much of a downer will it be for you guys on sat to come all that way, see us chilling and drinking the usual VR6OC way then having to go home again?! Eh? Eh?!

Plus this is pretty much going to be the last meet of the season so....it must be done!

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So what exactly does the line up actually look like now ?

First page has but 4 names on it :-(

If that is going to be the turn out then I think I amy save my money and make maybe a 1 or 2 day show coming either Sat or sun or both, looking like little point in the 3 days especially as there may only be 2 people camping. and I only live 10 mins away anyway !

Looks like I got back into things a little late in the season :-(


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I am not sure anyone is camping now, ollie needs to confirm but I think he cant make it and I am going to be there but not with the vr6oc camping as there isnt enough cars to do club camping this year.

Not the best show fo the vr6oc this year :(

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