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my aircon needs regassing, and i cant even remember the last time i tried to use it so thought well might as well get rid

saves weight, gets rid of load of ugly stuff in the engine bay...

so aside from disconnecting everything related what do i need to do?

i'll need a different/shorter belt

different rad? was getting one with built-in header anyway...

what about blanking the switch on the sensor block? or just leave the plug there and delete the wire?

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You will need ditch the double ribbed belt for a single sided belt - which is shorter and half the price.

Remove the radiators, canisters, pipes etc... Not sure about what needs to be removed in the heater system behind the dash board though - I know there are some differences!

Although if you remove everything complete, you'd get a few quid back.

but for what its worth, I'd just keep it - a selling point when you come to sell the car. re-gas it if its known to work.... you never know we might actually have a summer again :)

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