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The rain and why can't yo drive in it??

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I am not prone to Violence.. However every dog has its' limits..

If you know someone who does any of these. Please punch them as hard as you can several times and then explain to them the errors of their ways.. Whilst I am sure Karma will return in time - I can't wait that long for someone to get rightous having killed me.

Let me spell it out for those out there who do not understand that when the rain is pouring and the spray is high and wind is blowing your car does not handle as if it has racing slicks on it in mid summer!!! Wait until the snow starts and you wonder why the snow on your roof falls on to your screen when you brake for the first time!!!

I am sat in Traffic. When I brake it is not just because I feel like making my lights look pretty - When my high performace brakes are applied I am going to stop faster than you! Don't argue I am - they are big and have lots of ability... and yes you will have to decide between the railing the next lane and my ar$e as a comfy place to have your accident!

Braking distance is not a myth. Try it!

If I can't see what's coming how the Fuc% can you?? All you can see are the pixels on my number plate!

You will not get anywhere any faster sat on the motorway in a speed restricted zone sitting on my ar$e. I have a car in front of me!

If I slow down and get out of your way so you can continue on and have an accident by your self, that is not an invitation to follow me and continue sitting on my ar$e. Have you not heard of constant speed???

Accidents in your rear view mirror are your fault - dic$ Hea*!

If you are that interested in my boots' content.. I have a plastic box full of work stuff, a small toolkit and a can of spray for the tyre kit. Thats it! Nothing else! You are not missing out on the secret of life! It does not have a bed or a naked person in there who wants you!

Think about other people. As they join the Motorway in traffic - you then sit so close to me that I know what you had for lunch, so one person doesn't join the motorway in front of you - it will not make the difference between you and the holy grail. You are still going to be sat in traffic doing the same speed as everyone else.

Put your Godda* lights on it is raining we cannot see you even though you are sat on my AR$E!!!!!!!!! Your Fog lights are not required doing 50mph in the rain in all those lanes of traffic all it does is make people look away and then you wonder why they crash in to you. We can see you! in fact we can see all the cars around us (except for the DIC* in my boot). you are not special!

If one day you find someone slams their brakes on in front of you it will be me and I hope I kill your car and you have to walk everywhere in the snow!!! I will have a new car within the hour and be on my way laughing at you!!!


Finally to the FUC$er who was insistant on getting in to my boot today. I will leave my move until the last minute to avoid the row of cars in front of me - after all you can't see it... Did you poop your pants??? you were lucky not to hit them weren't you!!!!! :D

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Another day of driving? lol.

Thought I was the only guy that encountered this driver specific list,

I have just driven my car for the first time in 11days and BOY, did it NOT put a smile on my face.

Sat on the M6 in congestion at 40mph I left adeqate braking distance between me and the car infront as there was lots of water on the motorway and just as I'm passing an exit, 2 cars playing dog tag...

one grey M3 with a soon to be dead asian male teen that threw an apple at my window and his VW Bora chum that kept blocking me from rejoining the fu****g road.

Both dive into my lane about 10 mph faster than all other traffic, getting rid of any braking distance,

Car that I had been following slammed brakes on till stopping. These 2 scumbags have taken away my braking distance but seem to have uprated brakes and tyres, so they stop just fine. I go sliding toward the back of the M3 and decided that leaving the M'way is better than destroying my car yet again.

I try to rejoin further up (after going down the slip road, round an island and back up a slip road) after holding my hands up to them both before.

Apple is launched at my window and they continue to block me from entering....to the point where they have left a 200m gap infront just sitting there to p"$s me off.

After cars start undertaking me, I decide to floor it to reeach the gap....and so does Mr M3.

After about 5 minutes, I get on my phone and call the local BIB and tell them whats happened and whats happening. I join after a truck that saw the incident and what was happening pulls from lane 2 into lane 1, blocking them and waving for me with a smile to move on.

I do, M3 and Bora cant argue with 40 tonnes of metal, so they shoot down the hard shoulder to catch me and when they do, M3 boy pulls into no gap infront of me and acts like a to££er until BIB come down......by which time traffic ahead is free flowing and both f*****g f****rs drive off.

Didn't bother with police again. Last time a similar incident occured, police were more intrested in my car, if it was insured, if I had notifyed ins comp of mods, and then did nothing with a number plate of offending car.

Complete c***s.

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lol, If it were me 3 years ago in the same situation I was in tonight, I'd have got out of my car and depending on their egos, would have hurt them..... stupidity in some respects, people grow out of with age.

I was arrested just over 2 years ago when a lorry driver cut me up and when I tooted my horn, he stopped, got out and walked over to my car. This was a clear day at about 1pm in moderate traffic. This was back when I was a lot bigger.... still, he was about my size and slightly taller, which worked in my favour with the police.

I got out and he walked over arms wide out and I responded with 1 clean blow to his head, knocking him unconcious for a few minutes.

I was nice enough to catch him before he hit the floor and lay him in the recovery position, stayed until he was fully able to move. The police arrested me and reviewed the cctv from the island. I was cautioned and released almost immediately after I was advised to restrain or stay in my vehicle instead of knocking someone out.

Never again. I didn't realise it before, but I disrupted the traffic for a good 10 minutes with that little stunt and I felt really embarrased.

Violence in this sort of thing is never a good option. About a year ago, 2 muppets in their 30's were cutting each other up on the M6 till they both pulled over and decided to hit each other.

The chap that originaly cut the other driver up died at the side of the road from the single punch landed from the "innocent" guy.

All this trouble stems from the little bubble people get into when they're in their cars. They drive like crap but because they're seperated from everyone else by their little bubble inside their own car, everyone else is in the wrong.

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yes done lots of driving over last few weeks weather was terrible yest & today still they drive like numpties... probably why it took 4+ hours to get to Weston super Mare from London several accidents...

anyway lets hope the weather clears up could do with a good run back!!

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funnest dude i saw was a BMW driver about 2 foot up someones arse. probably someones poor gran.. No one else around, could have just overtaken her.

So i thought what an idiot, ill see how he likes it untill he leaves them alone. started tailgating him like, giving him a bit of sh/t....

He hated every single second, going mental swearing at me, putting his arms up questioning wtf i was doing, Silly nobber didn't relies he was doing exactly the same to the poor old dear in front of him *-)

Im no angel, I work my way though traffic as long as its not busy, but give everyone one respect, don't tailgate and in the wet im a good boy lol :-d

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