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Not my car thank god

My friend has a 16v Gti and the other day he ran out of petrol, when he put some petrol in it the battery was flat (i think he left the interior light on), so he put a new battery on it and the alarm started going off which he don't have a working remote for, so he disconected the siren and towed it to me.

I found the alarm behind the glove box disconected it and bypassed the imobiliser (its a 998 vag 153 or in english a scorpion 918) So now it turns over because the imobiliser was on the starter, but it still wont start, i can hear the fuel pump when i turn the ignition on but it won't fire.

Any ideas what it could be ?

It's obviously not sparking but i dont know why ?

Before this happened it ran sweet.



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