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The Joys of a lowered car.....

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yo i can talk there talk over there you get me ! brvu init give me your wallet before i stab you lol is that good enough ??

LOL. the guy would probably take his own splitter off and post it to you.

really sweet going to have to give that ago now lol

I dare you

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yo i can talk there talk over there you get me ! brvu init give me your wallet before i stab you lol is that good enough ??

LOL. the guy would probably take his own splitter off and post it to you.

really sweet going to have to give that ago now lol

I dare you

you dare me to say that to some one thats across the pond lol easy i ve said worse lol

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gfs ones are rubbish.. but at trade (or with VR6oc member ship)

there only £12 a side... ive been thought about 3 full sets but half at a time..

Going to bolt a ally strip to the bottom edge of my next one... should hopefully give it a bit more strength

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mines an ebay job, done well i think. always hitting the road and any slight dip/incline, its currently snapped in 3 places but zip ties sorted that out lol.even my standard shallow splitter got ripped off the other day too :(

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