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Dont be a hater :D ... Valentines and the great debate...

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I start this with a opening statement and expect comments and insults to follow....

Is it cheaper to pay for your "personal relationship" or have a partner/wife/girlfriend/boyfriends etc etc etc...

I have - as most others do - a long suffering better half. She desrves a good night out at least once a year and I have confidence in the fact theat if she was not around not only would I be a lonely man but would not be safe for public consumption or interface both socially and at work.

I love her and would happily throw myself under the next passing train...

but wow.........

surely a night out on valentines means it is cheaper to pay for professional help than, flowers, a card, a meal at a good reataurant and a taxi.. etc etc.. ... vs the other???

So lets be having your thoughts and Ladies.... please dont be shy.... after all you are having a free night.... :D... Or are you???? ;)

ps.... happy valentines to y'all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx don't just celebrate it once a year when it's expensive... show your love all year round...

edit.. never post when happy and drunk... :D

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