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OAP drivers, RANT!

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Ok, this is going to be a major moan thread so I apologise.

I had some half blind old guy side swipe me yesterday in his big blue merc. Left some lovely scratches and some hefty scuff marks down the whole length of my poor car. I was in the left lane, noticed this big merc getting closer and closer to me, i braked but he just pulled into me as if I wasnt even there! Luckily I managed to polish most of the makrs out but there are still some deep scratches that wont be coming out until I get the car a blow-over at the bodyworks place in the summer :-(

OAP's cause so many bloody accidents its unreal. This guy shouldn't have been driving at all, he had those big black visors on and his wife had to pretty much help him out of the car. Grrrr!!! :@

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A while back i had an old man drive into the front of my car writing it off, of course it was his fault as he was on my side of the road and i had no where to go and he had his side to go on! but if you're in an accident with an oap and you're younger than them, it will never be their fault! Hope you manage to sort it out with their insurance company!

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Back in 2006 my ex's grandad was driving a taxi with a wheel chair bound passenger.

He had 4 clots on his brain at the same time essentially killing him as quick as the blink of an eye. He slumped into the steering wheel and had his foot remain on the accelerator and ploughed into a car on an island.

Nobody was hurt as such, just some minor skin bruises for the teenage couple in the car he hit.

Had a letter from a soliciter from the couple seeking damages off the taxi company and a nasty letter sent to my ex's family in disbelief that a 66 year old could drive a taxi and that his lifestyle and driving nearly killed them.

Only gripes I have with oaps are dithering about, 20 or so minutes to reverse into a parking space and the braking hard at 40mph approaching a slight bend in the road. Oh, and also pulling out infront of me on duel carrageways and then slowing down. Don't get me started on how they pull out of a T junction, block the road and slam their brakes on when they see your wheels locked up quickly approching their door.

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Im getting the rant and its one that can go on and on, im seeing your point B7D VR too!! Some oap's are switched on. i think this system shouldnt be agest though as there are so many bad drivers on the road of all ages its unreal, its quite scary the fact that you only have to drive well on one day, the day of you test and then you can do what the hell you like!!

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Im getting the rant and its one that can go on and on' date=' im seeing your point B7D VR too!! Some oap's are switched on. i think this system shouldnt be agest though as there are so many bad drivers on the road of all ages its unreal, its quite scary the fact that you only have to drive well on one day, the day of you test and then you can do what the hell you like!!


yeh interesting point. the test just proves that you have the ability to drive safely for about 45 minutes. tests should rather include other things such using dummy vehicles to replicate real life situations i.e. the dummy car suddenly pulling out (to calculate your reaction times), driving on artificial snow/ice so that everybody doesn't fall into a state of panic. etc. The current system only concentrates on getting people to drive safely rather than how to handle situations when things go bad which take place out in the real world.

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Here Here!! dam right!!!!!! And dont get me started on the point of people losine the ability to drive when snow,ice or even heavy rain hits...dear god alive.!!! The state alot of drivers out there is just beyond.

Oh and why do people not have the ability to go AROUND a round about that maybe has 3 lanes but NO WHITE LINES, you go AROUND, thats AROUND not cut across all lanes!!!! and every other car on there.

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why not do that for our learners, it can only help!!! Don't get it... maybe we should get a petition together and get it enforced, would be good for driving instructors too, more training, more revenue. And how about part of the training be driving a car with lots of bhp and no traction? hmm, can think of a suitable candidate... not hiring mine out though.... :-)

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I'm a driving Instructor and I can't understand why Pass Plus tuition does not form part of the driving test. We cannot take learners onto motorways, only dual carraigeways, which can be vastly different to motorways. I think there should be a two stage driving test. You'd pass the first part with an examiner as it is now and in order to obtain a full licence and drive on motorways or cars above a certain engine size, you'd have to do a minimum of six hours additional tuition with a qualified instructor. These addiditional hours would include a minimum of three hours motorway driving and the rest would be busy town driving and more realistic driving situations, such as central london. This is what I currently do for students who choose to do the Pass Plus but it's not mandatory and the amount of people who actually take the course with me is about 5%. As for skid pan training, since the training centre at Chiswick closed, the bus drivers don't even do that as far as I know.....

People complain that the UK driving test is too hard at the moment but I disagree. As someone has already said, people need to be taught to drive not to pass the test. I tell all students from day one that if they want to pass the test, they should go and find another instructor. Some have done just that.

Lots of rants in this thread.....


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I totally agree with the above. You get taught to pass your test and not to drive. I chosse to do pass plus when i past my test as more driving experience is allways best. It only cost me £120 for 6 hours and it nocked loads of my premium. Im now looking at doing an advanced driving course with a quailfied instrutor which seem to be ex police officers to further my driving experience.

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i don't make a habit of going out in my Nans car but when i do it scares the crap outta me. she can't turn her neck, she's deaf has no sense of direction or awareness of space half blind too. i was cleanin my car little while ago had the rear wiper out, she walked straight into it snapped it and didn't even realise! and she thinks 5th gear is only for motorways lol

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