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Mirror, signal....eerrrr why bother when you can just manouver apparently!

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Ok bit of a rant that imsure has been done to death but, earlier had some stupid, (do i have to watch what i say on this site) shall we say 'mofo' in a big merc earlier. At a set of lights i look to my left and see a merc creeping forward, he smiles in acknowledgement, so i just nod in reply. Green...off we go leisurely pace he's along side me, he's approaching traffic im not all clear my side thank you, no indicator at the mo. I carry on down my clear lane when he slows and cuts in behind me with a flash of his lights. Thought not much of it, that he prob wanted in but he didnt indicate and tbh, get in lane in the first place huh, you know where your going!! Next lights he's back in left lane, all is still good. Green...traffic moves off, he's now again along side me, edges ahead,...THEN..burts into literally a car space(obviously enough for a dark blue merc)no indication, nearly taking off the frnt of the v6,less than impressed i raised my hands and mouthed wtf!!?!! Not thinking tbh that he was purposely cutting me up for a reason of his own.lol next lights go into 3 lanes. im middle,he's right lane ahead. When pulling off as i pass he mouths off while flicking the V's out the passanger window at me. Now seriously sething mainly at what could have happened to my girl lol. To the point where if the traffic wasnt chocka it was a swing the car around plant my foot and find out juuust wtf.

So...anyway, this tw@ and soo many more out there. Cut you up, switch lanes etc no mirrors, no indicators!!....however if when buying the car the dealer said it has no mirrors or indicators the firts thing they would say is,well thats no good to me!! whats the point in that. As they think the purpose of them is to check themself in the mirror and use the indicators to choose a space in a supermarket car park.........of course!!!

Do i feel iv vented my frustration, maybe, only to see it all again tomorrow on the way to work!!!

Nevr seen a VR6 driver drive badly though......ha ha;)

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Experience it all the time buddy. Unless i have to whack the brakes on and stop very quickly, I just leave them to it and do as you did. Raise my hands up.

Apparently, even shaking your own head and laughing in disbelief is offensive to the perfect drivers nowadays.

Most satisfying one of these to me was a pillock that entered a 2 lane island with me going strait down a duel carrageway. Mr Rangerover sport decided he didn't like the N/S lane because of a car infront being driven cautiously.

He pulled into my lane and I had nowhere to go and was headed with wheels locked toward the concrete triangle between the entrance and exit to the duel carageway.

He noticed this and decided to boot it. This is where I am happy to have the VR. I had been forced from my lane and had to go round the island. I booted it and caught him up at 80 and he must have realised he was playing with a fast victim.

He raised his hand and shriveled up into his seat and I gave him the thumbs up and dropped back. All I wanted was an acknowledgement that he knew he was a dcik head..... result.

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London has got to be the worst.... everyone just does what they want....police don't care

i disagree i find its ok round london as ur almost expecting it to happen so when it does happen ur not to bothered about it well thats how i find it when ive been driving n delivering in london, it happens to you n you do it to other ppl otherwise ud just sit still n never move

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Apparently' date=' even shaking your own head and laughing in disbelief is offensive to the perfect drivers nowadays.


That would explain a lot ;-)

I also better stop suggesting that people like sucking male chickens when they don't indicate.

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Think its safe to say guys and girls that its a manic place out there on the roads, only to get worse im sure,....savour the thought though that you and other vr6 owners have the power in the right foot to get you out of the shit or that one in the middle that we may not like to use as much, but when you do a decent stopping power!!!

Stay safe....or stay lucky!!! ha ha

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Well I've just had a pasting from a group of lads.

Pulled out infront of me on an island and decided after finally discovering the accelerator pedal, to dive into my lane on a single lane exit without indicating.

After a few select words were fired my way and I told them to F off because the fault was 100% theirs, I lost sight of them as I blipped it past them.

I pulled into a car park near a Tescos to have a ciggerette and cool down.. because that was the 4th moron at fault in 10 minutes of driving that gave me abuse for obeying the rules of the road and being in their way.... I got out the car and started to walk the 300 or so meters to the entrance.

I can hear BOOM BOOM BOOM but didn't think anything of it. The A3 pulls up infront of me and I bend down to have a nice word with the driver and ask why it was my fault.

I wake up on the floor with a bloody nose, bruised ribs and start checking myself for stab wounds as it's all coming back to me in a blur (no stab wounds, thankfully).

Can see the car powering out of the car park and I've got 2 skinhead van drivers in their 30's crouched down, hands on my back asking if I'm okay,

I asked what happend, told me that as I was bending down, 2 lads had already got out of the car about 20 meters behind, as I was bending down, one of them drop kicked my head and the other punched me.

I flew into the lads door and dented it....hurrah for thick headedness, stood up, hit one of them and he dropped, the other 2 including the driver got out and came round...... few punches thrown, I supposedly dropped another lad and the others took my legs out....then I supposedly got stamped on a few times before they finished.

Thats when the blokes ran over, the lads gathered their wounded and drove off. Plates for that car match the same plates for a punto in london.

Just spent 4hrs in A n E, had an x-ray of my ribs and my knee....which hurt worse than my nose + head. No broken bones. Hurts when I breathe though. Gonna be sore for a while.

All this because I was driving properly and they couldn't.

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One of them frequents both the hospital I work at and I've also seen him in a few places around Coventry, mostly walking down streets as I've driven past. I didn't know or recognise the others.... though I can't remember the 4th ones face anyway.

I didn't even bother asking if they were on CCTV because the only cameras around that industrial estate are pointed at the entrances of work places.

Shall be paying attention around the "wood end" area of Cov from now on ;)

Just a shame I didn't have the 2 BGB with me. Grrrr lol.

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Feck me Chris..............glad you're kinda ok tho

Mate, I'm suprised too. I'm really calm about the whole thing also. I've had pastings before from groups of lads n such, got really angry, called mates up and gone hunting..with some desireable outcomes too.

However, I just felt calm when I came too. Methodicly checked myself for bleeding ect ect and after another ciggy and a cup of tea from one of the van drivers, just left and walked to A+E.... incase I blacked out or somthing.

I don't know them and as such can't get angry or feel sorry for myself.

Besides, I took on 4 adults and dropped 2 of them while half unconcious and dented their car lol. (probably stolen).

They don't call me the Monk for nothing you know :)

It's because I have no hair....

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Well lets hope your back to full health soon. Hmmm...bloody typical after my little rant at the beginning of my thread i added another bit saying stay safe or stay lucky,....seems neither happened in your case fella(maybe lucky it wasnt worse)... does it mean i jinxed you and am partly responsible,lol oh dear. Like i said hopefully you'll be all good soon. Their turn one day, amybe not from you but someday, someone!!

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Mate, I'm suprised too. I'm really calm about the whole thing also. I've had pastings before from groups of lads n such, got really angry, called mates up and gone hunting..with some desireable outcomes too.

Was just thinking of asking you if you needed a hand finding them, but you seem really mellow about it so won't offer

Karma mate, its good and it does work, just takes patience, like your style!!

Shame you are not coming to the ring.............

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chris , if it take 3-4 of them to drop you , then they aint worth the effort. never send someone to do something you cant do yourself..

unfortunatly, they probaly have a very poor view on the cost of a life, so best leave them alone, and rest assured . they will get whats coming.. what goes around comes around :)

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Na Gary, I think it's all about me maturing and growing up. Got a sprog on the way so I can't be arsed...hence the mellowness. Hopefully they d get their backsides handed to them or run into Z from pulp fiction lol.

Jim, that is also another reason I'm mellow. I'm pretty sure, had I saw the attack coming a few seconds before, none of them would have been standing. Tooting my own horn I suppose, but... meh, nevermind.

Cheers Spadam.

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