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Does anyone know about an apperently common fault on mk3's with the brown/red stripe wire from the ignition barrel to the stereo failing? will i need to get a complete new barrell and / or how is the best way to overcome this problem????

it's really doin my nut in! ~:(


[ 882_010904_0838.jpg ]

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i think i have the same problem my stereo stopped working while i was driving so i stopped and switched the key half way and the stereo worked.Then i switched the engine on but the stereo did not work, after i switched the engine on and held the key to the right keeping it there. engine and stereo on let go of the key stereo goes off and engine stays on.I was wondering if you have solved the problem.Is it the ignition barrel?Ive already checked the wires and connection they all seem fine.Totally comfused!

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