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Help needed in N/W - Knocking/tapping noise on VR

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Guys, I have a strange noise coming from the VR6. I wondered if anyone in NW could help diagnose it.

TBH, I dont wanna take it anywhere like awesome and pay £200 just to be told its fucked.

I wanted someone to have a quick listen, see if they can tell me whether its terminal, or an easy-ish fix. I am looking to sell the car soon, so unsure on whether to dump a spare lump in, or possibly fix whats gone first, or just leave it.


Basically, the car on start up has a tap/knock. Like a lifter has drained of oil. Its litrally for 1-2 seconds, like one revolution and then its quiet. On idle, its not noisy. Revving the car on the spot doesnt give any strange noises.

However, on the road is different. It sounds to me as if either, as above, its got a knackered lifter, so isnt being opened proper, or like the cam lobe has worn, so its "slapping" the top of the lifter. You cant hear it on over run. You can a little under load. Its mainly auidiable on the motorway, at part throttle. Just like when you have been coasting in gear and as you got back on the accelerator, very lightly, you can hear it.

Can anyone shed any light/lend an ear sometime soon??

Thanks guys

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