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racebus mode has been engaged, just stripped the interior out and all door panels,seats etc!!!!!

then gave it a wee buff ready for tomorrow................

now ya see it...............


now ya don't.............


no passengers tomorrow, just me, a helmet, fire extingusher, first aid kit and wobbly jesus...............





a wee buff so its show and go!!!!!...............




SEE YA AT CRAIL............................hopefully!!!!!!

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very nice :)

cheers dude.....................

16.72 was only time recorded on the strip!..................



today i set about the bed and hammock fitting' date=' it didn't take too long and my son has claimed it for himself!!!!!!!!

called efoam and ordered some new quality r n r bed foam so thats me got everything required to be sent off to the trimmers.

just waiting on a few quotes coming back before i commit to getting all seating, bedding, door and panel cards trimmed................. its not the cheapest is it?!?!?!? lol................

hes a few snaps for the photo hunters................

my new bed....................



maxs new hammock.................


tried and tested!!!!!............



not sure if it will be finished for biggar, not rushing it as i want the inside as good as the outside!!!!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well it was that time of year again when we have our annual SBS campout down in Cheddar, just the 400 miles for me to get there!!!!! This time it was a full family mission with wife, 2 kids and dog on board!.............

On the Thursday night i pulled in at the Charnock Richard services and treated the family to a night in a hotel as there was no camping facilities and the bus was jam packed with the family and their shittt! In the morning it was a short trip to Knutsford to meet the first bus and what a tasty bus it was, the owner is not too bad either! lol.................





Next stop was only an hour away to meet another SBSer, again a real nice bus and family!!!!!



We drove in a mini convoy for a wee while to a place called Stenthem to meet more buses, a real good snap of Sooties bus ripping............


At these services another few joined in............sorry no photos! Then it was onto the camp site in Cheddar, awesome place with outdoor pool onsite entertainment etc!!!!!



After a quiet night and a bit of SBS banter it was off to bed with all of us sleeping in the bus..............

Wee Max in his hammock.............


Next morning my bus was having clutch problems but with mechanical man dave camped beside me he had it adjusted in 10mins!!!!


Then it was get ready for a trip to the beach for a SBS convoy and lineup................




First wee line up just to get us all together!!!!


Then onto the beach............





At the kids playpark.............



After the wee day out we headed back got some dinner then planned on watching an outdoor movie that was a massive fail!!!! lololololz...........i think Rick the orginiser forgot a usb cable to allow the laptop to be connected to the projecter, i had fun heckling from the back with Ade!!!!!



A great night was had and in the morning i was up at 6am cooking a fry up for the family...............


The drive home was epic, it took just over 9hrs, 4 bottles of redbull and a small fortune on super unleaded, the twin 44 idf webbers were guzlin it!!!!!

Already looking forward to next year!!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Just a wee update to keep the thread alive..................

Headed down to Awesome gti/detailed show in the bus where it picked up a top ten award!!! On way home with about 170 miles to go something felt wrong with the engine, it wasn't accelerating correctly and sounded grim. As long as i kept the revs above 3500 it went ok and only lost power on hills. On the home straight it started to jump out of 4th gear so i had to hold it in tight to stop it jumping out!

Got home, removed earplugs and engine sounded terrible! Keeping the revs and speed high my oil temp was at a constant 220!!!!!

Next day got it down to the workshop and my mate found the problem.............a tappet screw had snapped in the head.

He fixed that so i took the bus home..............it was still jumping out of gear and juddering badly in 4th gear............. I felt I had damaged something internally!!!!

On Sunday there managed to drag it to the DC12.5 show with an idea of getting it recovered back down south after show. Gave the AA a call at the end of the show and they sent out a technician for a look. I told him the drill and he radio'd in for a flat bed to take it away. My choice of garage was BALLS'D, he built my bus at his previous employers so now out on his own its good to support a new business................

Monday morning got the call saying it had made the 400 miles trip safely and was with Matt Balls. That was the good news!!!!!

After a drive and inspection the call came in saying both engine and gear box have suffered internal damage...........so thats where its at just now, box will be set away to Bears Transmissions for repair and Matt will split the engine and rebuild that. Since its there i'm getting some additional works done so it will come back bigger and better than before!

Was having a wee look through various photos there to get the bus luv back, here are a select few..................

Awesome GTI/Detailed Show..........




When the troubles began...............


Didn't stop us having fun though!!!...............


Cumbria VAG Show................




DC 12.5 Show...............


Thanks to all that took the photos!

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  • 2 months later...

Fingers crossed then all goes back nice and simples...

PS... Is that Hammock a special made to measure or a (rare) standard thing???

Nothing is nice n simple dude!!! lol............... Once the box and engine are in I'm getting a new mid-mounted fan assisted oil cooler system to prevent engine cooking at high speeds!!!!! Oh and a propex gas central heating system so I'm expecting problems soon after!!!!! (a)

Ahhh the old Hammock.................The one I have fitted is a made to measure copy of an original one, a bloke on the split van club made a few and sold them straight away, awesome wee bed for my kids!

Cheers man :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just a wee update to keep the thread alive, Matt Balls has refitted the rebuilt gearbox and rebuilt engine and its driving sweet as a nut! So he has now started on the propex central heating system. It will be blowing hot air into the cargo area and he has made up a fitting to allow some hot air to blow up to the windscreen area and cab zone! Some quick photos of work....................




After this is finished he is fitting a new split charge system with lesuire battery and the new oil cooler system then it will be pick up time!

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  • 4 months later...

What a weekend..................First outing after rebuild!!!!........Left at the crack of dawn and headed over to Ireland for the Dubshed Show. Bus was great, got on and off the ferry with only a small amount of scrapaged!!!!!



Once I got off the boat the bus didn't feel right and some squeeling noises were coming from my freshly built engine!!!! Got to the show and opened up the engine hatch to find this....................


Pulley nut was loose and the belt was in tatters!!!!!!

After a wee panik the show organisers hooked me up with a ride to halfords to score a new belt!.................Didnt have to right size instock so bought a narrower one that fitted and would get me home!

I was in the Aircooled shed that was filled with Splits, Gaywindows, T25 and Beetles, a real good variety on display!



A great day was had and the icing on the cake was scooping another winner trophy for my rotten auld bus!!!!!



P.S. Excuse the lack of photos!!!!! lol

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