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2 weeks ago i noticed my fans were still spinning about an hour after i had driven the car. I tried removing the fuses in fan control module which did nothing. So i decided to pull the plug out on the fans themselves. The next day i cleaned all the connections between fan control module and radiator temp sensor. and after a drive the fans turned off as usual after a couple of minutes of being parked up. last week i left the car for 3 days and when i came to dive it the battery was dead jump started the car and all was fine fans still turning off after driving the car etc. Now tonight again my car would not start and i had to jump start it it was only left 1 day. Could the fans be turning themselves on overnight and draining the battery any one know what could be wrong and how i can sort this out. Im looking at selling the car soon and need to get this sorted.

any help greatly appreciated

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exactlly one week and fans seemed to turn themselves off after a drive but thinking they mite of come back on during the night etc. My battery has a charge window and its green which means charged so dont think its battery could be tho. Just seems coincidence tht i had problems with fans aswell.

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