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I have a 1995 vr6 on a M plate

I thought my car was obd1 cos of rectangular side repeaters etc. However it has a obd2 portnear the ash tray.

At the moment i am havin a few problems.

AS i start the car and put my foot to the floor its stalls and dies so i changed the the lamda and cleaned the maf and still the same .

I paid a guy to come round with a full version of vcds and he could not get my car to link up to laptop DOH

So i am at my wits end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My last resort is one of these


Would this work


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only way i would tell is if you had a coil pack or a dizzie and the thorttle bodys are different !! i tell you somthing sounds like what i had and it turned out to be the bracket holding the throttle cable was lose check that out ! hope this helps !

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Hey,first of all sorry for my english.I also had this problem just today,and I think it's this bracket holding the throttle cable,because when I pulled out bracket and putted in again the car started runing just fine!

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i bought a cheap code reader on ebay made by AUTEL and it reads codes spot on !!

I have reset the codes and every time i get this one back !!



Engine speed sensor(g28)

Static No signal

What is this ??

How much is one ??

Would this cause my problem ??


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The engine speed sensor fault will come up with most German cars if the engine is not running and yes you're correct that you do the test with the engine switched off. So you can discard that code.

As for the OBD1 or 2. The easiest way to find out is to take a look at the throttle body.

Mine is on a '95 and has bits from both cars, inc OBD2 16pin connector, but OBD1 engine, wide arch kit, but also has the coil pack NOT the dizzy so Pearsy's way of diagnosing only gives you a rough idea.


There's the link to the different throttle body's ;)

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Well I'm not sure to be honest, if it's not bringing up any fault codes it's hard to say.

Maybe do a few tests, Disconnect you're MAF and see if it's any worse. If it's exactly the same it points to the MAF.

To be perfectly honest I'm not sure how good these handheld scanners are. We use a snap-on one at work and I have VAG-COM at home on another laptop.

It might not make any difference or pull any other codes out, but I'd maybe get it checked again for other codes.

Without looking it's hard to say what to do next to be honest. Electrical sensors should come up with a fault code but if no others are being pulled out it's difficult.

When you say it stalls how exactly does it stall??

Does it stall if you have foot on accelerator or not?

Will it rev free before it stalls or lumpy?

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It stalls as you put your foot down . But if you do it gently it and get it over a few thousand revs it run fine up and down but when u let it drop down to tick over and try to foot your foot down it stalls again . I have cleaned maf , checked ht and spark plugs and the coil packs looks in really good condition.

Please help

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mine is OBD2 and i was getting bogging, hesitating and hunting but it never stalled. but mine is def OBD2 so has the electronically controlled idle control, i dont know if it would make such a difference to the OBD1 which i think is vac controlled? i dont know if this is the case im just thinking out loud see if it helps?

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