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The daily Numpty award... Or that showed me.... events

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I am happily enjoying a day off work and litterally have nothing better I want to do today... So after the shopping for beer was done I thought I would come on here and start a thread which I hope will continue through the years and we may be able to even toast the numpty of the week whilst we are out with mates...

I will start...

Today I was on my way back from the supermarket and a person in their mk4 (with stickers) takes the chance to pass me as a set of lights change colour, with me stationary and the head of the line... No problems there... I do this kinda thing all the time.. It wasnt close or reckless in any way and their approach speed makes it safe in a 3 lane roundabout.... you get the idea I hope.

So I accelerate.. (Not hard as I have my shopping, eggs and beer, in the car and I am in no rush to get anywhere...) away from the lights and we are joining a short stretch of dual carrage way.

We all (surrounding cars included) catch a van and mk4 as they are now doing about 40-50mph. I think come on mate lets go a little faster and he - well I thought it was... but I was wrong.. lifts off and flashes the brakes.. as my momentum brings me closer to the mk4. I give a Galic shrug like WTF and yes i took my hands off the wheel to emphasise it.. then it mimics me and I can see a rant take place. I start laughing and the next thing I know is she sits at the same speed as the van next to it with a big thumbs up... There that showed me didn't it... anyway I get to the next round about and she chose the wrong lane and I see lots of hand gestures and I drive off into the distance ... still with my shopping in tact....

So here is the starter for 10.. Not very exciting but made me laugh and it certainly showed me...What you got folks...???

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There is sone road works on my route to work, a two lane carriage way is down to one lane

Well some tit who thinks he owns the road in his 7.5T 3663 lorry thought it would help traffic to sit in the middle of both lanes to stop traffic gettin up 'the outside, a full 500 yards before the lane merge

This caused twice as much traffic and nearly made me late for work

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not very exciting but i go onto a 2 lane slip road to go onto the duely, stick my foot on the smiley pedal, i was about halfway past him when he decided to gt into my lane cutting me up resulting in me braking, swerving and pressing the horn only to remember my horn isnt working at the moment which angered me further so a few rants under my breath did the trick :)

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I was going down the road the other day to pick up the little girl from school, going at about 50, national limit road, and this stupid bint in a volvo v50 edgeing out. Ive already clocked her so ive already looked behind me and im ready to stand on the anchors, she waits for me to be like 20 yards away and decides to pull out, obviously there was nowhere near enough room for her to get out, so she then does the most stupid thing she could and while shes right across both lanes just stops dead, i duly slam on my anchors and she gets the full treatment, horn arms angry face shouting everything.

Funny thing was she pulled into school too lol

She parked up sharpish and while i was parking she got out and just stares right at me, i just glare back at her, cos it was her damn fault to begin with. Then she rushes off to the schoolyard before ive got out of the car, if shed have given me chance id have given her a second bollocking right to her face.

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had some dizzy cow in an micra run a red light at a set of crossroads yesterday when i was in the offroader.........2 1/2 ton truck into the side of a paper bag at 40mph wouldnt have had the best of outcomes so i blasted the horn, moved as far as i could to the right...............and and literally drove over the o/s front corner of her bumper, just clipped it but obvioulsy made quite a bit of a mess, anchors on pulls over, she pulls round and parks about 30 yards behind me, in my haste to jump out and shout many different profoanitys at her i neglected something rather important..........left the hndbrake off!:$

and it rolled itself bacwards down the road.............. yep........straight into her micra!:-(

imagine how much of a fool i felt when i realised she was trying to point something out to me but i was so annoyed i wouldnt let her speak.......then how bad i felt when her airbag hit her in the face!

satan's already put my name on a VIP list!;(

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its in the hands of the insurance company now. just hope they see it that way, but knowing what insurance companys are like it will go down as 50/50 i reckon!

theyre supposed to be coming to have a look at the truck this week, they said by the amount of damage to her car they cant undestand how theres no damage to mine. its an assesor from her insurance company whos coming round tp look at it so ill see what he has to say.

only damage to mine is slight scuff to back of the front wheel arch and some paint on my front wheel, and a bit of silver paint on my back bumper and all the mud has been knocked out from inbetween the fuel tank guard and the tank itself!

well soon find out whats going off, but im not holding out much hope that it will go 100% her fault!;(

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