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Fitting Subwoofer to VR6 Golf

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Hi all,

Just a quick one, I fitted an active sub to my mk3 Golf CL and due to the weenie size of the engine, finding somewhere to pass a wire from the battery from the engine bay to cabin was easy peasy, but having a loot under the hood of the VR it looks like a not so straight forward affair.

Can anyone lend a hand on a good location to route a wire from the engine bay to the cabin ? Or can anyone tell me where to take a live feed from elsewhere.

Many thanks in advance,


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No need to drill holes... If you have a screw driver you can do it i have.

Step 1. Roughly lay power cable from battery

terminal up then follow the bulk head/drip tray.Take rubber off bulk head that acts as rub strip against underside of bonnet

Step 2. After taking off the plastic sheild for the drip tray and taking off windscreen wipers you will see a round gromet in line with the left hand windscreen wiper spindle... remove it. Make a slit in it and feed wire through it

Step 3. Feed wire through this, once you have slit a hole in the gromet to feed wire through ! If you don't do it you have to pull power cable back out once it's routed !!!

Step 4. You will see an oval gromet on the metal drip tray just by the windscreen motor. remove it you can now feed power wire down into cabin it comes out in driver footwell ...

Once you have rooted poer cable in position n cabin re fit gromets making sure wire does not foul wiper motor ... re fit wipers and plastic drip tray. Unlclip the plastic cover that runs along bulkhead clip power wire in and re clip up. replace rubber on bulk head.

Hope this helps !

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i did the grommet under the expansion tank too, stuck a barbeque skewer through it, obviously being careful to avoid wires, then duck taped the end of the amp cable to the spike and pulled the spike back through. I didnt need to tape it or anything after as the skewer made a tiny hole which the big amp cable stretched out making a good seal

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