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if the car behaves like coilpack has a dead cylinder, but coilpack is fine what could it be?

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I was driving along the road the other night and all was fine, car wasnt running a bit off or anything, wasnt down on power as id had to overtake a tractor 5 mins before. Then just going along at a sedate 40mph the engine just changed, it sounded and felt like the coilpack had died and i had to freewheel it into a layby. It wouldnt start again in the layby and i got recovered.

The next morning i vagcom'd it and only error i got was

00525 - Oxygen Sensor (G39)

03-10 - No Signal - Intermittent

which i googled and would have got if the coilpack stopped working properly thus backing up my original theory.

I tried starting just to see and it would eventually start the engine was bouncing around and sounded like still not running on all cylinders and has no power.

On inspection the leads fell to bits and the plugs were tired too so i got the job lot to install while i was on.

I put on a new genuine coilpack, set of genuine leads and new plugs but its still doing the exact same thing, except it wont die now it can keep itself going, im putting that down to the new ignition parts giving stronger sparks.

What else can i look at to try and solve my problem? the car is undriveable as it is.


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oxygen is lambda isnt it, so it thinks theres a problem with that definitely, didnt think it would cause the engine to run like a badly tuned lanwmower though. The car wont go anywhere under its own steam.

its OBD2 where is the temp sensor?

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its the blue or yellow sensor on the water housing, it will fail telling the engine its very very hot or very very cold so the fueling wont be right, its a ten quid part so might be a good place to start, it might be unpluged if your lucky

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think ive found out what it was, the damn fuel pressure regulator failed flooding the engine with petrol. Fitted the old regulator which is leaky but working for now, so looks like another new fpr.

the coilpack being a bit faulty on testing must have been a coincidence, randomly misfiring, and the leads falling to bits when i removed them to look was a good thing i replaced them anyway, and the plugs i just did as a matter of course while i was in there, from the look of them they wanted doing anyway.

and that seems to be the problem solved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well i said id got to the bottom of what the problem was, it was the fpr, which i had just recently replaced.

just got round to sorting this out as ive been in the wars and unable to do anything

I bought it from an ebay shop and they stated it was bosch proper bosch genuine bosch. It turned up and i straight away paypal disputed the transaction as it was made in china, they refunded my money rather than face the wrath of paypal so i fitted it and thought woo free fpr if it lasts 5 mins it doesnt matter.

doomed words....

pics against the vw regulator that just wore out and wouldnt keep residual pressure causing me to not be able to start the car after being left stood.




this piece is jammed inside



i went against my own mantra in fitting this, lesson learned, use nothing but genuine parts, ever

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