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wheel spinning in third ?!?

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today my car seemed to b running sweet as a nut and the idle problem has seemed to dissapear, but i pulled up to the lights and a polo g40 i think they are called pulled along side and i thought, ok lets see what this baby can do as i aint really gave it some yet. as the lights turned amber, just as i thought the polo went for it and i nailed it, but i must have been a bit heavy on the accelerator coz im still getting used to the biting point but it span up big time, i changed to second, still span up and same with third, it was peeling out like a bitch lol. had to drop it to fourth just to stop the spinning but the polo was way ahead by now, its a sunny dry day here aswell. even tho i was whooped i still had the biggest grin on my face !amazed

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Hmm sounds a bit dodgey to be spinning the tyres in third at the lights!! I know this sounds daft but are you sure the tyres were spinning and it wasnt the clutch slipping?

Its just I had exactly this experience at the drag strip : floored it in first, revs shot through the roof so i thought wheels were spinning, changed up to second, still spinning, third and still spinning?? Thought it was odd.

Turns out my clutch was shagged and the wheels werent moving at all!

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I have found that it is so easy to waste the clutch if you drop it. Have never tried to smoke it up into third though, I don't abuse my baby. If it smokes up in second you've got a bad start and game over anyway.

Last night I deliberatley booted it round a big bend in second gear and it understeered all the way across the road billowing smoke.

Not a good idea really but a geezer in an FTO nearly snapped his neck looking!! ;)

[ Edited Sun Jan 23 2005, 10:16PM ]

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