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Drivers door frozen shut

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Everytime the car ices over i cannot open my drivers door in the morning. It seems to be frozen shut. All the other doors open fine so i usually climb in the passenger seat and shuffle over to drivers side. Just seems odd that the drivers side door is the only one which wont open. I sprayed deicer in the lock, deicer down where the door meets the bodywork and it still wont open any ideas as its really annoying.

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mine done this to me for the last 2 winters, once it's defrosted and the door opens freely spray white grease onto the catch and any other moving parts and wd40 into the chamber once a week via the key hole. and rub wd40 onto the seals until slightly shiney, again once a week, as it stops the seals freezing to the door. this works if it's unlocking but not opening.

if its still a problem or just not unlocking it may be that there is moisture inside the vac line or cylinder for the drivers door which means taking it out and taking it inside for a day or so to allow it to dry out.

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Ok cheers mate il get the wd40 out tonight then and spray eveything up. The lock usually opens once or twice the pic doesnt pop up so may have to remove this and take it in overnight. How do you get to it i guess you have to remove the door card.

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basically mate pull the card off, carefully peel back the moisture barrier, then grease anything that looks like it moves. i've heard of people using a small amount of wd40 inside the air pipe's and actuator but i dont like that idea. but it's a case of having to do it all the time during the winter months you cant do a 1 shot treatment with it unless you can dry everything out then keep it dry.

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BMW make the best seal conditioner, its called gummi pfledge and is designed specifically to recondition car door seals and stop water ingress.

it even has a BMW part no - 82 149 407 015

i used this on my focus st that had freezing doors and squeaky seals, it solved both problems

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just a word of warning , been told by someone in past that wd 40 is corrosive on paint i advise 3 in 1 spray oil , i had the same prob as u last winter sprayed 3 in 1 into mechanism when door card was off , i then smeared thin amount of vaseline onto rubber and thin amount onto actual door skin where its meets the rubber , did this on all doors not one froze or stuck again hope that helps u : )

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Yeah wd40 can corrode paint if excessiva and not wiped off, same with de-icer, loads of ppl spray tons of this over their windows and let it run down the paint, it can damage both paint and rubber, around windows etc.

I had this door frozen prob last year i didn t know it was common, it was the most ridiculous thing ever, i ended up late for work and what an excuse.lol not one door would open because the locks wouldnt pop up, i tried alsorts, took over half hour to get in, i was frozen by the time i got in and that was through a back door, which was a relief as it was nearly the boot!!!lol

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