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Airkix Indoor Skydiving

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Went to airkix yesterday, me and my gf and my brother and his gf did it. We got 4 mins each.

My gf has a bad shoulder and they state if you do then its up to you if you do it or not and not their responsibility. Apparently the most likely injury is a popped shoulder. She had her first go and couldnt do any more so i got her remaining 2 mins, and gave 1 min to the instructor to do a show.

I can tell you its harder than it looks, you are constantly moving and its fairly difficult to stabilise yourself, you have to stay dead flat and not twist your hips but steer with your hands. I couldnt get it and only just began to grasp it on my last run.

You try and steer with your hips and you go down, me and my brother both did on our first goes, you decide which is more spectacular lol neither of us was hurt in any way either, which with the speed we hit the floor was surprising


My brother

Herbie the instructor

If you want to watch them all they are here http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=lukey123456xyz&aq=f

It was good fun though and id reccomend it for something to do

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