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i cant believe he didnt help either! i know its a rubbish BM but imagine if we hit one of our VR's wed be gutted! i bet she felt the same way! but ive done the same thing (without the end result) quite a few times with my work van!lol

if id have seen her do it id have probably taken advantage and used it as a chance to get her number............she looked like she was quite tidy!

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i cant believe he didnt help either! i know its a rubbish BM but imagine if we hit one of our VR's wed be gutted! i bet she felt the same way! but ive done the same thing (without the end result) quite a few times with my work van!lol

if id have seen her do it id have probably taken advantage and used it as a chance to get her number............she looked like she was quite tidy!

I think you'd have exchanged numbers, names, addresses etc if there was any damage.

Its always easier to laugh at someone elses expense. And it was quite funny! I laughed at Katie when she fell over in the snow. Its just natural. ;-)

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i cant believe he didnt help either! i know its a rubbish BM but imagine if we hit one of our VR's wed be gutted! i bet she felt the same way! but ive done the same thing (without the end result) quite a few times with my work van!lol

if id have seen her do it id have probably taken advantage and used it as a chance to get her number............she looked like she was quite tidy!

I think you'd have exchanged numbers' date=' names, addresses etc if there was any damage.

Its always easier to laugh at someone elses expense. And it was quite funny! I laughed at Katie when she fell over in the snow. Its just natural. ;-)


WIN!!!!! why cant some tidy bird roll her car into my house?

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Na' date=' I'm guessing he didn't help because he didn't have to and it was not his responsibility. So I can't agree with the negative things being said about him.


Help thigh neighbour and all that its no wonder the world is going the way it is. It may not be responsibility but surely you could be a decent person. I watched an old lady down the street slip on the ice breaking her elbow and knee, when I helped her off the road on the pavement and called her an ambulance it wasn't my responsibility but there is just some things you do!

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Na' date=' I'm guessing he didn't help because he didn't have to and it was not his responsibility. So I can't agree with the negative things being said about him.


Help thigh neighbour and all that its no wonder the world is going the way it is. It may not be responsibility but surely you could be a decent person. I watched an old lady down the street slip on the ice breaking her elbow and knee, when I helped her off the road on the pavement and called her an ambulance it wasn't my responsibility but there is just some things you do!

An old lady breaking bones and laying in snow is COMPLETELY different to pushing a woman to her destination.

Me being a decent person also has nothing to do with helping everyone. People here that know me, know I generally do anything to help anyone if I can. Pointing out a person not bothering to help push a car however far she would have een stuck, being selfish, is unfair and only THAT persons opinion. I do my fair share of good deeds everyday. Probably directly save dozens of lives every year while helping 1000's more improve their quality of life and recovery from ill health. Kudos on the elderly lady incident though, that is not sarcasm either.

Pushing a car out of the snow has no impact on the sort of person someone is unless being a goody two shoes is a must. Besides, society nowadays does not recognise good deeds, helping each other out. Most comments of thanks I recieve for helping someone out come from the elderly that still expect/like a hand.

The man recording didn't have to help her and should not be judged on not helping.

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This wasn't a personal attack at you Chris. I am just saying like the statement below "No body helps me" maybe people have adopted the same attitude across the board and were does it end. The girl obviously lacks a little common sense and had no idea the car would run away if left in gear.

Someone with a bit more up stairs could have prevented the whole situation. All he had to do was give her a hand. not only did he not help her he took the time to get his camera film her and post it on the net. For that he should be judged! In my eyes a complete prick!

i know i wouldnt have' date=' no one helps me when im clearing my drive. like you said not their responsibility and not mine


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My Wife is 30 years old only passed her test a few weeks ago she wont drive the 4x4 or the VR so I bought her a little corsa. She has been stuck at the school a few times as her handbrake has froze. But as a new driver she wouldn't know how to sort it. I would just hate the idea of someone filming and taking the piss as she struggles.

I don't get pleasure out of other peoples miss fortune is all I am trying to say. Its like when you pull in to let a vehicle passed when its your right of way, I would say 10% of people would acknowledge with a wave and if that happens to me 1st thing in the day then I wouldn't let anyone through the rest of the day because as you said manners does cost nothing.

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This wasn't a personal attack at you Chris. I am just saying like the statement below "No body helps me" maybe people have adopted the same attitude across the board and were does it end. The girl obviously lacks a little common sense and had no idea the car would run away if left in gear.

Someone with a bit more up stairs could have prevented the whole situation. All he had to do was give her a hand. not only did he not help her he took the time to get his camera film her and post it on the net. For that he should be judged! In my eyes a complete prick!

I do agree that they could have helped her instead of filming... serves them right it went into their house!!

I had trouble with filling the LPG the other day - second time I've done it - and the gas was pissing out everywhere slightly worrying with a full petrol station forecourt... not one man came to help I had to ask the guy that came to the next LPG to ask the attendant.... turns out the pump was faulty but most people just stared as I struggled... shame this happens more often these days

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Still, her ins company has to pay out.

Most people have no idea how to use lpg pumps and nowadays it is more common to be ripped into by the people you try to help.

With all due respect Helen, you should have asked the attendant. As I say, most people in that forecourt aside from the other lpg user, they probably hadn't a clue.

I speak like this though because on several occasions I've offered assistance or help, I've been yelled at like I was being condesending and I obviously thought they were incapable.

When I've pointed out they just looked as they were struggling, they said "well I didn't ask for help, did I ?!!!". That then making me out to be a ad guy and making ME feel like a tit.

This is why I feel compelled to stay out of other peoples affairs. Genuine people suffer because I, like many others, refuse to be aggressivley replied to, as that is the usual case.

Still H, I'd have helped you :) .... or atleast taken some of the lime light off yourself :)

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