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Possible career change

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With all the governent spending cuts there is are going to be 3 rounds of redundancy next year and I sit in the frame for those to go. 20 years done with 2 left to do but a career extension of 5 years on top if I want. Now after 20 years of working for others I fancy something a bit different. I'll have a substantial payout and a pension to back me up, but what to do?

I like the idea of a Snap-on franchise or a unit local to me to set up a small garage / fabricators. I have an electro-mechanical background and buckets of experience. If all else fails I'll buy a van (VW of course) and continue with lock-smithing.

Any idea's?

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Well you are amazingly good at fabrication, I've seen your work, but is there enough call for it to make a sustainable business?

Locksmiths are always needed and it's a good business. My dads been doin it for 6 years or more and when it was me n him we were turning over £11k a month.

But ultimately it's best to find somethin you will enjoy doin and give that a go. If you have money to fall back on then you have the luxury of being able to give anything a go n if it doesnt work out you can try something else. :)

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Well having recently done the same thing mate if your willing to take the risk and build your own buisness doing the fabricating/ unit stuff then I would say go for it, your in the same situation I was and tbh it took all my savings and a lot of hard graft but my buisness is slowly starting to come good and next year is already looking promising. The quality of your work will speak for itself and now with forums its easy to spread word :)

Your heart obvioulsy isnt really in the locksmith stuff but thats a geat fallback to have.

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That could be worth a shot, you'll always have locksmithing as a fall back and if you can plan to go a year without wages then you shouldn't have too many problems, you've got some great skills n word of mouth soon spreads. Would you do a more mainstream garage or a classic restoration an fabrication style garage?

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That could be worth a shot' date=' you'll always have locksmithing as a fall back and if you can plan to go a year without wages then you shouldn't have too many problems, you've got some great skills n word of mouth soon spreads. Would you do a more mainstream garage or a classic restoration an fabrication style garage?


I like the idea of fabricating, inlets, exhausts and small number production. I have spent time in a pipe fab shop so a mandrel bender would be a good core bit of kit but with a couple of ramps keeps it flexible.

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just because you love playing with cars, building and fabricating doesn't mean you will love it when you have to do if for a living. most mechanics go into it as they love messing around with cars ect. its there hobby. but most of them hate it after a few years. Ive been messing with cars/ motor bikes. building shit since i was a kid. loved it. 4 years into the traded and i hated it. ask any mechanic when he last did a service on his own car lol. You end up having to work on your cars as you don't want to pay onone else. theres the term "never buy a car off a mechanic"

all trades are good money. Im a floor layer now. never ever had any interest in floors in my life but i love it, average wage where i work is 45k a year. sub contractors on price work (the good ones) often do 60k-90k

I was speaking to a lock smith and was shocked at how much he used to earn, apparently its gone down hill for some reason, can't remember the reason.

your probably not interested in what ive got to say but the trade really is full with alot of bullshit. people always think your a wanker and your trying to rip them off. no one appreciates that your trying to sort them out with a good price or do a good job for them. there pissed there car is broke, then there pissed they have to give you money.

but having your own unit, working for your self, not having to rely on the money and working on classic cars the customers/ job might be different

have a good think about it first. pehaps speek to some of the old boys that have been doing it a while

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I'm not rushing into anything. I have had various job offers over the last couple of years and if nothing else will get an engineering job but I still would like to get myself a unit aswell. I've priced it up and can afford to run the unit on a hobby basis to start with and see where it goes. People in my trade are fortunate enough to have qualifications that are in demand and pay well.

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I'm not rushing into anything. I have had various job offers over the last couple of years and if nothing else will get an engineering job but I still would like to get myself a unit aswell. I've priced it up and can afford to run the unit on a hobby basis to start with and see where it goes. People in my trade are fortunate enough to have qualifications that are in demand and pay well.

In the engineering buisness all i say is work with the aircraft part where the money is because i work for my dad who has his own engineering company which we do all sorts but the promblem with it is people don t want to pay for the work they would rather pay fuck all and get it from china ! but most of the time its crap but they don t care because thats what they want lol All i say is go and do what you feel is best for you ! im thinking of training to become a mechcanic but i dunno ! im just going to wait and see what the new year brings me ! good luck on what you wanna do mate !

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im in the middle of a carre change at the minute, im actually an aircraft engineer by tade. the money was good when i was working out in saudi but unless youve got years of experience n aircraft ad got your licences its hard to earn anymore than 30k in this country, i finished saudi in august, and i was on 45k a year tax free, and im only just 23. but the work itself isnt the best, and the companys that are out there are complete ******. Was working for BAE systes out in saudi.....and all i can say is they are the most corrupt, money grabbing gits in the indstry. i didnt leave on bad terms or anything id finished my contract so its not me being bitter, but id never work for them again! its even worse than being back in the forces, worked for a company called VT aerospace before that and they were actually alright, just dont pay the same as some others.

im retraining to be a plumber now, i know its not as glamorous as working on 65 million pound eurofighter, but the moneys not the worse, and there will always be someone who needs a plumber even when there isnt much work about, much the same with locksmithing.

id say if your feeling like your ready for a change, or youve had enough of the downsides of your current job, then go for it.

i cant wait to get properly into my plumbing now and get qualified!

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I've had close contact with BAE systems and to be honest I can't write what I think but there are certain companies milking this country for every penny and it is having a very negative affect. I'll turn my hand to something, my only hope is that it is something I enjoy.

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get drunk for a month sober up and get drunk for 2 months ..... lol

no seriously mate the garage/ fab workshop would be my bet if you have people around your way doing private like me during the rain and winter you dont want to be out side trust me .... so if they could rent a ramp day by day say then im pretty sure they would rip your right arm off .... i know i would ....

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I know of a good enthusiastic puddle repair company that would love to have a new apprentice ;)

As i said earlier today fella i'm really pleased for you and sonia to hopefully get this opportunity, and what ever you do you will do well!

I wish i could afford you :)

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