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Elemental VW show, Stansted Sat 9th April

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any of you other southern monkey's fancy this ?? :)

Elemental VW Show is organised by a group of terminally obsessed VW enthusiasts who give their spare time and skills voluntarily for this event to raise money for Essex Air Ambulance.

The Trust has calculated that the Air Ambulance saves a life for every £2,500 pounds spent, last year we raised enough to be able to say our efforts helped to save a life.

The event comprises all the traditional elements of a Volkswagen car show that you'd expect including displays of both classic aircooled and water cooled cars and vans, a show and shine competition as well as live entertainment throughout the day from local bands and name acts alike.

Entry per person for day visitors £5.00

Children under 12 are free if accompanied by an adult.

£5.00 per vehicle for camping regardless of number of occupants.

Yes that's right, if you turn up in a car with four people that's just one pound each to camp for the night and enjoy the party.

Dogs are allowed, we ask that dogs be kept on a lead and all fouling is cleared up by owners immediately.

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