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My drivers side door latch decided it wasn't going to stay down once it clipped over the catch when the door shuts - resulting in me having to drive home holding the door shut!

How easy is it to replace the whole mech unit? I already have my door card off just need to know if its a pretty much a case of undoing a few screws, removing broken one, replacing with new one and reinserting screws or if its more than that?

Thanking you!

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have you tried WD40? ;)

No, whats that?? :-p

Haha nah not a job for WD40 unfortunately. When the door normally shuts the latch on the actually door stops down once it catches the catch on the pillar. When the door handle is pulled the latch is released and bingo, door opens.

My latch wont stop down though once it catches the catch, it just springs back up again hence door not staying shut!! :S

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Door card needs to come off, and i think the outside door handle needs to be removed too. Just undo the torx bolt in the end of the door (its recessed into the end of the door), undo the 3 torx in the end of the door holding the mechanism on, unplug the 2 plugs, unclip the inner door handle metal rod from the mechanism, then pull the lot out.

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