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  • 2 weeks later...

I've found out that this contains PEA (polyether amine) which is the stuff that seems to work. The cheaper ones (like Redex) are just kerosene and aren't great in my experience.

I haven't used STP myself but I have used Comma D-Tox (which also has PEA) and I saw it change a black, carbon covered piston crown into a nearly spotless one in just one tank of fuel. The idle smoothed out considerably and mpg went up a bit.

All in all, for something you just pour into the tank, I was VERY impressed.

BTW D-Tox is in Halfords for £6 at the moment instead of £15 - happy days!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

i bought some of this when i saw it was on sale for £6 too, just finished the full tank (yes it took about 3 weeks to use a full tank!) and i have to say it does seem to get improved mpg and response as well as better idle and running cold first time of the day it seems happier about it. The car even smells like its running better

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just put some in my new VR (Mk2) which had about 137000 on the clock and the piston crowns were really black and crinkly. After running a tank through, the idle is definitely smoother, starting a tad quicker too.

Haven't looked down the plug holes since but I'm sure it's done some good.

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