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Just over the past couple of weeks i have experienced the car handling very strange at times,

I accept the tyres are only budgets at the moment which on the front are almost down to the wear markers and the rears are almost as new,

The car just seems to follow every camber and lump in the road bearing in mind my daily commute is on twisty b roads and it feels as if its driving on ice, Its also pushing on in the corners alot more than before and the front end feels very light when cornering at speed,

could this be a mixture of the tyres and maybe some bushes have given up too maybe?

any help appreciated :)

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if the tyres are crap and low then yeah will affect the handling .... dont forget with all this weather the roads are likely to be greasy .... mite be worth getting some one to have a quick look at the wishbone bushes

yeh they are pretty greasy and muddy down here but something just doesnt feel right in the past couple of week, have to try get them checked out

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i would check your bushes first cos if you need new bushes youll want to replace them before gettign aligned again or youll have to do it twice and alignment aint cheap

I was thinking of upgrading the bushes anyway, guess it may be sooner now,

Will take it to a local garage for them to have a look then i think:)

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