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ok now i know my spelling is not the best

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i am in this argument with our 6 year old girls school, they arent taught the right way to spell things as far as i can see, they are taught to split it up into syllables and write down what they think,

its f*cking retarded,

she is taught that ch sh and th are letters ie so if i ask her the letters that spell chop she says ch o p.

and its all lower case so she has no clue what an N or G or F is. So they are drilling this into their heads which they will have to totally undo in a few years time, making double the effort for themselves and they complain now all the time that they dont have enough time to get stuff done.

They also make them write in this illegible cursive style that no one can read, even the teachers have told me to my face its sometimes hard to read.

Ive seen all the kids work at school and its all totally unreadable, looks more like arabic or something and they dont even correct a single mistake they just tick it and write well done excellent work keep it up.

So kids are encouraged to scrawl utter sh!t whatever comes into their head in illegible writing that the kids dont even know themselves what theyve written if you aks them what it says.

So no, it does not surprise me that the newest generation are all dumb f*cks, i see a massive failure in the new primary schooling system.

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I know these youngsters nowdays use this new short text communication thing but COME ON...? By the way what is >3???

<3 - look at it side ways makes a love heart - i am guessing you got that sent to you on valentines day ? lol

Maybe dude.. ;)

Then again maybe not :(

Lukey im completely with you on that post mate, my 6 y/o daughter keeps coming home with total shit.. And a gold star! I'd have got a ruler on my knuckles back in the day!

Shes really good and keen to learn and learn right but the bloody curriculum is on another planet!! What is going to happen in a few years time with all these youngsters that cant spell..?!?

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unfortunately the government like to tick off milestones and targets to make it look like schools are improving and to justify where their money is spent.... and forget about the value of intelligent, respectful and rounded individuals along the way, I'm so glad I was at school when I was (early 80s) when teachers were just about able to teach what they thought would improve the learning for that particular class and use some discipline if you messed about.

Too much emphasis on careers and businesslike processes within schools for my liking it's scary

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My 5 year old comes home and when I ask what she did at school today' date=' she tells me she did MOOT. Which stands for Manage Our Own Time. She's 5 FFS!


I get this with my 5 year old and they let her choose whatever reading book she likes. Most of the time they are way ahead of her. She has a different signature in her book every other day and her teacher screws the system more than an MP she is off sick more than she is there.

I feel guilty for not having worked myself into a position to afford private schooling for them all but it is just out of my reach.

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WTF? thats dreadful, he's either a prize wining idiot or foreign, i mean for god sake my 11 year old son has a better grasp on spelling the english language than that. i can do better than that and for me school was just a place i went to get lunch when i was bunking off.

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My 5 year old comes home and when I ask what she did at school today' date=' she tells me she did MOOT. Which stands for Manage Our Own Time. She's 5 FFS!


I get this with my 5 year old and they let her choose whatever reading book she likes. Most of the time they are way ahead of her. She has a different signature in her book every other day and her teacher screws the system more than an MP she is off sick more than she is there.

I can relate to everything you've written. Both myself and my wife spend a lot of time with both of our kids which sounds obvious but my daughters reading only progressed well when we took charge of it and put the time in.

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With all this crap grammar and spelling these days it will ruin what is already a ruined country. All they will do is dumb down all the exams andcthen trott out that a level pass rate has gone up fir the millionth year running.

At work we have a new lad who has a a level in maths but cannot convert feet into metres, which is kinda important when selling carpets

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