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don`t no if this is a fault or not but on a cold start up seems to rev higher than normal 1800/2000 revs, only for 3 to 4 seconds then return back to normal cold start revs,

been doing this for a month or to now, will this be throttle body issues, don`t have any other throttle probs,

would be greatfull for any replies, :)

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ok its not the best guide but its a start lol

its to the side of the throttle under the plastic lead cover,


then remove the pipes and plug but make sure you have some new clips to put on as some are not reusable


and all you need to do is spray inside and open the valve/flap thing inside and spay inside that aswell,be carfull not to damage it though as it can be abit stiff,this is not the exact one but best i could find to give you an idea.you also may not have a gap like the one in the pic it might look solid but it will open,


hope this helps,

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