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do you know what version of vw coolant you have currently in the system? what colour is it?

it does tell you on the label the ideal dilution ratio for your climate too, the coldest its gonna get in uk might be around -20 so you dont need to be mixing a ratio for -50. The correct ratio for you is the largest amount of water while still being in the safety zone above the freezing point of the ratio. This is due to water being a much more efficient heat transfer medium than the anti freeze.

It est to think of it like this, the water is the cooling liquid so youll obviously want the maximum amount possible so you are always adequately cooled, and the anti freeze is just that, to stop the water from freezing, the concentration of anti freeze simply adjusts the point the water can freeze.

its simple to work out your ratio too as the system holds 10litres, so 10% is 1litre and you have nice round numbers to work with

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i have just picked up 3 bottles from vw can anyone point me in the right direction in how to do the best flush along with apllying the g12 and bleeding the system properly,im pretty sure i have a huge airlock which is effecting the heaters as the matrix isnt leaking and the 2 hoses going in there are hot and flowing,help appreciated guys

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