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oil spark plugs starting dieing

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my 96 mk3 doesnt start unless i jump start it. well sometimes it starts

i have to leave it for a while to start it at times.

but today i pulled one of the spark plugs lead out, it had oil on it. is that why it doesnt starts and it slowly dies out when driving???

. i am going to check the rest of the plugs, by the way how do you get them out, i mean shall i just pull leads out and then remove them , i cant find easy way to access them


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Get yourself a plug lead remover. It slides over the lead and you twist it to lock on the pins on the leads when you pull them. If your leads are old and you pull them, chances are you will pull the lead clean out of the metal cap! They come with the removal tool on the bonnet stay as standard I think but are a bit flimsy. You can get a metal one off eBay for about 10 quid. As for the oil in the plug hole, try pushing some tissue in to soak it up and blow them out with compressed air. They're known for shorting out when the plug holes fill up with oil or water.

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get a vr6 spark plug remover think their about a tenner on ebay, as for the oil on the plugs im not too sure, valves leaking onto the plugs? im sure someone more experienced will come along to help more..

oh and dont just pull out th ht leads, youll break them!! get the plug remover ;)

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"proper" oily plugs is due to worn valve guides or rings, where oil can make its way into the cylinder.

Otherwise it could be carbon buildup wet with other factors like unburnt fuel or a collection of oily crap from the rocker cover vent, this would be from too cold plug rating.

First thing i would do is determine what plugs are in there and how used they are.

using the NGK (as they are the recommended plug brand) rating system of 1 - 12, 1 being hottest and 12 being coldest, VR6s need a 5 rating by default, though some use 6 or 7 rating plugs without issue

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