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What a f-ing joke!!

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I have the passat aswell as the VR6.

So long as I can just inform the DVLA that it isn't on the road, then that's fine.

I can't afford the extra 1.9k to insure the passat to sit on the damn drive....... still, atleast I could pick and choose.

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I have the passat aswell as the VR6.

So long as I can just inform the DVLA that it isn't on the road' date=' then that's fine.

I can't afford the extra 1.9k to insure the passat to sit on the damn drive....... still, atleast I could pick and choose.


You have to sorn it off the road. thats ok if you plan not to use it for a long time. but i only temp insure mine and i delt i can sorn it one weekend then insure it the next

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a lot of insurance companies do 'laid up' policies now because of this, mine quoted about £40 doesn't cover you for much but keeps you legal, (I didn't take it out I just asked the guy out of interest)

this is to try to stop those morons that don't have insurance that drive around killing and damaging peoples property, imho I'd rather have this law than not, ever been hit by someone with no insurance?

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this is to try to stop those morons that don't have insurance that drive around killing and damaging peoples property' date=' imho I'd rather have this law than not, ever been hit by someone with no insurance?


But such people tend not to tax their cars either, so that the DVLA won't be able to find and fine them. :@

'Tis just another law to extract more money from honest car owners.

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my car is always insured.. just sying that i can not really afford it. 43yrs old proffesional driver for 20yrs. never hit owt or been hit.. over £1000 for a year.. would rather pay to have all un insured drivers feet removed.. no right foot, no driving, simples...

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my car is always insured.. just sying that i can not really afford it. 43yrs old proffesional driver for 20yrs. never hit owt or been hit.. over £1000 for a year.. would rather pay to have all un insured drivers feet removed.. no right foot' date=' no driving, simples...


I like your style but I dont understand the trend in this country about having stuff we cant afford I think that's what got most people into such ridiculous debt, yes the banks lent it but we have brains too... I've never and will never owe more than I cant bring in

this is to try to stop those morons that don't have insurance that drive around killing and damaging peoples property' date=' imho I'd rather have this law than not, ever been hit by someone with no insurance?


But such people tend not to tax their cars either, so that the DVLA won't be able to find and fine them. :@

'Tis just another law to extract more money from honest car owners.

true but it's an effort towards towards tackling the problem and making people think twice about having a car at all

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just another anti car law, now you dont get taxed heavily for just using your car, you now basically get taxed just for owning a car.

The whole point being to punish people with cars enough that they one day wake up and find they cant afford to own a car any more

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just another anti car law' date=' now you dont get taxed heavily for just using your car, you now basically get taxed just for owning a car.

The whole point being to punish people with cars enough that they one day wake up and find they cant afford to own a car any more


Basically the same opinion as mine.

All this is, is another cost for the motorists. People that steal or do not insure their cars will carry on regardless of this law. The only people that get hit by another uninsured car will take solice in the fact that not only has their legally drivable car been damaged or written off by an uninsured driver, but that they also had to pay this stupid "off road" insurance on their other car, yet still managed to have a driver without a care in the world, ignore the law and cause the victim to incuur extra costs from their own insurance.

Why should I have to pay x amount of money to keep my vehicle off the road BUT insured, when I have a squeeky clean record, both criminal and driving, in aid of supporting a law that other dickheads will not abide by.

"That'll be £50 to insure your other vehicle for the privelige of keeping it off the road, sir"

Next day the VR gets destroyed by an uninsured driver.

"Thank god I paid £50 to avoid this kind of incident"

By the way, I know you don't have to pay and helens example was just that, an example. It would seem the only vaible option for my personal circumstances.

I can afford it and have never, ever been in debt. However, why should I pay or inconvenience my life when it will continue to happen daily and not even "law" will work. I say it will not work because previous experience has shown, people break the laws in place to stop such things happening.

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ah well I can see your point but this has already worked in my flats for getting rid of some nuisance people and their heaps of cars and I don't have a problem with paying for my car fully comp even when I don't use it that much, you can't please everybody you have to please yourself... complain to your MP... cue moaning about how that doesn't work either ;-)

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I have a few policies as it is.. Works fleet covers our vans private policy that covers my toy van with all mods listed. The issue this will cause me is the vento is my occasional driver that gets temp. Insured as and when i want it will now have to be completely insured full term as will the mk2 shortly.. I have 3 other vrs that are sorn and will not be driven do these need cover?? A traders policy and plates may end up being a loop hole but they probably have covered that one too! I hate paying insurance and all in its a few quids worth every year. Personally i think they need to take goods to the value from these uninsured drivers or bring in more serious penalties. Points on a non existant license and a small fine doesnt cut it when yet again the honest society fitting citizens have to suffer!

Chop their fingers off and see how they drive then!?! Rant over..

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I have a few policies as it is.. Works fleet covers our vans private policy that covers my toy van with all mods listed. The issue this will cause me is the vento is my occasional driver that gets temp. Insured as and when i want it will now have to be completely insured full term as will the mk2 shortly.. I have 3 other vrs that are sorn and will not be driven do these need cover?? A traders policy and plates may end up being a loop hole but they probably have covered that one too! I hate paying insurance and all in its a few quids worth every year. Personally i think they need to take goods to the value from these uninsured drivers or bring in more serious penalties. Points on a non existant license and a small fine doesnt cut it when yet again the honest society fitting citizens have to suffer!

Chop their fingers off and see how they drive then!?! Rant over..

Same mate! its proper annoying , as long as its sorn you dont need insurance!!!

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i never have a rant so ive decided im going to! lol

If i wanted to insure my fishing tackle i could, but because its not worth that much i dont!

so if it went missing i would take it on the chin.,,,,,same goes for the car,

i feel for gary_auto as this law has hit people in his situation hard. i mean obviously if it was to go missing during the week he would be peed off,but he knows that he couldnt do nothing about it (apart from report it to the police).

And in my opinion saying if you cant afford it dont have it is pretty harsh! as the law has only just come in so that probably means he could afford it before but because of this law he no longer can.

everyone is always moaning about people driving with no insurance yes it is wrong and it does cost us but i would say uninsured drivers are not as common as people think nowadays, THE thing that pees me off is how many people who are involved in accidents turn up at the doctors the next day saying they have backache! cause you will have backache a bloody car crashed into you! it will heal theres no need for £1000 compensation!

They might aswell change the word whiplash to wantcash!

im not saying that if a uninsured driver crashed into me i wouldnt be peed off because i would, what im saying is i wouldnt be at the doctors because i got bloody backache the next day! crashes hurt FACT

and another thing how is £1000 going to make your back better?

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good point fella! there was an interesting documentary on the other week about no win no fee fraudulent insurance claims and that is a huge part of insurance costs rising however the whole point of this new law is to supposedly show up / reduce the amount of non insured drivers some how..

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The trend in deliberate injury claims is supposed to add £45 on top of everyones insurance. Other countries have 3rd party insurance built into the tax disc and it is up to you to top it up to fully comp if you want. That might be a route worth going.

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good point fella! there was an interesting documentary on the other week about no win no fee fraudulent insurance claims and that is a huge part of insurance costs rising however the whole point of this new law is to supposedly show up / reduce the amount of non insured drivers some how..

Surely, that is what the police have ANPR jobbies on their cars for. They will use the same system, only this time, all loose ends are tied up.

"Do you know why we stopped you sir?, it's because our ANPR tells us you're not insured."

"Oh dear, shouldn't the DVLA have told you the same because I didn't register it as off the road for insurance purposes?"

People can still register their cars as off road and drive them...illegally..... so essentially, they are caught the same way they have been for the past few decades..... lol. Just a load of tosh made up to impress the public into showing that the government is sorting crime out, without actually affecting anything.

Making a useless choice, showing you're doing something, increasing fines/revenue of genuine innocent idiots (like me :D ) and coming out with the same results, albeit with a bit more money.

Unfortunately, they're alienating a lot of car owners but winning over the particular idiots that don't drive, yet have a stubborn opinion about others business and like to see people suffering..... you know the type.

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