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A Blummin good rant...

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Now I am not a violent man in any way.........

Today some C$$T has keyed my car... Rear pasanger quarter... pretty much an arms length.... In the company car park and It can only be one B$$CH and I can not prove it.... I must admit the white line is really visable on the black car after all no contrast there!!!! I mean surely if it was an accident you would stop - not keep going!!!!!! Is it just me?????

WHY DO PEOPLE DO IT? If it's an accident come and tell me and we can sort something out! I admit I wont be happy! But, I am a mild mannered chap and people can approach me.....

The way I feel at the moment - screw the legal process. Chances are they cant afford to pay for it anyway!!!! - place them on the curb mouth open and jump on the back of their heads.... If it is someone elses car - knock on every door and watch with pleasure whilst they get what is coming to them!!!!

WHY? Seriously - WHY do people do it??????



I REALLY WISH BAD THINGS ON THEM!!!!!!! (now I feel guilty)

... I think I have some T-cut for metalic paint somewhere (not confident though)... fingers crossed it stops raining in the next few days and I can have a go... and a respray isnt in order........



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It is terrible, I parked up in leicester once, in what I could call a secure car pak. Someone ran their key across front wing, door and rear quarter. Bloody furious, and had to get all resprayed. So yeah I do feel for you mate, nothing you can do either unless there is CCTV cameras in your car park?

People who do this need stringing up and a short drop and a sudden stop..

Im sorry to hear it mate

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Feel the same way as someones scratched there name into my drivers window!' date='!?! So if GAZ is reading this your a F.....ing W .....ker!!!!! Lol


Dude.... Sorry to hear that....

Thanks for all the comments/support... starting to calm down now...

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There are sum proper divs out there who think its fun to damage other peoples pride and joy.

Its a real shame when a nice looking car is keyed purely cos it looks nice.

Some people are just to55ers by nature.

I'm feelin for u dude and completely agree with ur reactions.

I caught some kids nicking my valve caps once, chased them up the road and frog marched the instigator by his ears back to my car with his mum yelling at me and following me back Down the road. He did put them back..

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