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It's Official the summer of freedom is over...

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Having suffered my road journeys over the last days since the kids are back... Today seemed to be the official they're all back and the numptys are back on the road...

I have an expensive (or Not) car and I need to sit in any lane on the motorway I choose at the speed I choose whilst on the phone swaying around in the lane.... and then I suppose changing my speed again and again and again.... Then get angry as people carve him up and he then speeds off only to be overtaken again in 5 minutes only this time in another lane... DUDE... if people are doing motorway speed on the inside lane and flick you off it's not becasue your driving in France and they're waving at you.......

.....I must wait until I am sure I can get two 40ft lorries onto the roundabout before I move and the other people in the cars behind are not blowing their horns to celebrate a goal or your achievement of getting on to the roundabout..

.......Mirror- Signal - Manouvre.... is not a multi choice quiz and the sequence is not optional... If we blow our horn, stamp on our brakes it's not a celebration of your smile and winning personality... the gap you went for... wasnt a gap... as you would have seen... if you followed the correct sequence and were not on your phone, eating a bowl of cereal and putting on your make-up and curling your hair at the time.... as taking "the gap" when you're doing 30mph less than everyone else in the lane you just joined..

Special things I have seen this week other than the usual special moves/changing lanes/reversing on the motorway/ wrong way down a one way street/running lights and getting away with it - just/the in-ability to simply stay at a constant speed/the need to take your foot off the accelerator and immediately put it on the brake then realise you're going to slow so repeat the process for 300miles in front of me...

my special of the year.... One Lady.. on the roundabout (signalling was good) with a bowl of ceral - i assume - I only saw the spoon and crunchy nut (I think), on the phone and doing her eylashes... Multi tasking at its' finest... as she joined the motorway..

anyone else????

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I can only agree with that fella! The schools are now back the traffic is unbearable and what makes me sooo vexed is the sheer amount of single occupied cars sat in motorway queues! I left home yesterday at 430 and arrived at my 1st job at 8 just to beat the rush! Got 3 jobs done in derby and had lunch at 18:00 so i could have a relaxing drive home without the aggro you mentioned above!

Truckers and van drivers vs the world!

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I'm quite surprised at the sheer lack of rubbish driving I've witnessed in the past couple of weeks..... usually 5+ examples on each trip.

The only bug bear I keep experiencing at the moment are the turds on entry slip roads to D/C's or M'ways.

Sit in lane 2 and by the time we're entering, they've blocked you from making progress on the slip road and you/they join at around 40 - 45mph..... but they just slot in front of traffic travelling faster and FORCE them to brake hard.

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They are out in full force! I went to join the M1 the other day to find one of these people carriers with about 20 kids in and a mother that looked like she had overdosed on Mc Donalds. Anyway she decided not to let me on the motorway, even though the middle lane was clear she happily pottered away watching me have to slam on my brakes......I was not amused!

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They are out in full force! I went to join the M1 the other day to find one of these people carriers with about 20 kids in and a mother that looked like she had overdosed on Mc Donalds. Anyway she decided not to let me on the motorway' date=' even though the middle lane was clear she happily pottered away watching me have to slam on my brakes......I was not amused!


I agree with you it can be annoying, but at the end of the day it is your responsibility to match the speed of your car with the speed of the traffic on the motorway, the above mentioned lady in the people carrier didn't have to move over and didnt have to change her speed thats down to the person joining an already flowing traffic system.

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