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VRT - best turbo charger to use??

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hey guys, kinda thinking ahead a bit so i can start to get someplanning done etc...

now, i dont wanna go everyone route of superchargin the vr, i wanna be slightly different n go for a turbo charger....

so my questyion is, whats the best to use, as the VR does hit full power till 4/4.5k whould it be best to have anturbo that spools up around the 3.5/4k mark to get the extra power out of it

thus, making it safe on the internals and gettin thatfukll power earlier??

somy plan of thinking is smaller turbo = quicker spool up

so like a garrett T28?

anyone shed on any light on whats the best turbo to use?and if there is a y logic behind my thinking?


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Sorry you feel that way mate...

There are some very detailed threads on here where people have discussed this option to get what that individual wants out of it..

In addition there are how to discussions... some of them are, of course, only available to the Premium members.

As with all search functions... crap in crap out.. so please take some time to work through the pages of threads a simple "Turbo" search will throw up. Alternately pop along to one of your local meets and have a chat with the chaps(esses) there and they will be more than happy to discuss things with you..

Finally as I am sure you have spotted... some companies will supply you a made to measure kit like Vince.. perhaps that may be of benefit to you..

Good luck with your project!

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thanks dude, allit was -i just wanted toknow the best turbo to use, as round here we dont get alot of top end action - im more of an acceleration man to be honest. so i'd like the acceleration to be on the money. so i was thinking nsmaller turbo quicker spool up.... tghus equaling quicker acceleration.

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I have a gt30 on my R32 and spools up quick and acceleration is quick. Sub 5 second to 60mph

Your only running a gt30? Bit small don't you think??? ;)

I must admit, that did cross my mind too :-) It's probably a GT3082 hybrid with a T4 turbine housing, which is a very nice unit for big R owners wanting some midrange punch :-)

Personally I'd pop a T4 35R on for some top end clout as the R has more than enough poke below 3000rpm as it is!

To the OP, a nice GT35R 0.82 AR for £995 - http://www.gt3turbo.com/Merchant/product.php?productid=16133&cat=332&page=1

I ordered mine from there and it's 100% all Garrett. My previous GT35R from America had clone housings on it and ended up costing more!

P.S. I'm a bit of a 35R whore. Only because imho it's the perfect match for a VR6, Really, really nice turbo.

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