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Thoughts on the demise of more than 4......

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I half agree oldman... :D

there are only finite levels so yup we will have to make something synthetic... the issue is most of our synthetics are oil based :( or if they are nature based they tend to be in something living :(

So i agree there is sufficient for the moment... (as long as the other big consumers understand the need to drop the 11mpg combined cycle guzzlers....).... however there is going to be a need for something and that need has a bigger picture with regards us expanding to cover this planet so quickly that we will run out of room at some point.... I often wonder if those scifi futuristic films are the way we are going... :S

anyways is there still the chance of small multi cylinders like so....

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no wot ya meen don' date=' but yull never get grunt or the grrrowl (to our liking) from any other small motor,

plus with ya havin owned a few bikes ya realy get some kind ov tone in ya mind ov wot ya like


Are you saying im a fussy bugger!!!!!.................. ;-)

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