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Builder Required

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Is anyone on here a builder that would like a reasonable job to do?

I am trying to get quotes to demolish my existing garage, extend my drive, build a new garage erect a feather edge fence.

The new garage will be 20ft long 12 ft wide and 3 mtrs high with a flat roof slightly slopping backwards, either felt or fiberglass on top of board (dependant on price difference), single block construction with support peers and rendered on the outside. The drive needs to be extended by about 20 ft, and a concrete base needs putting down for the garage to sit on. The feather edge fence is 6 ft tall and approx 30 mtr long........

The ground needs excavating but the soil will be reused to level the rest of the garden, there will be LOADS of roots in the soild, the existing garage rubble can be used to fill as a base for the drive and new garage slab. The existing garage door will be used (it's only 3 mths old) and the door lintle will be used. The existing garage roof will be used, but will need 2 extra sheets........

So a reasonable sized project, ANY takers??????

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Don do u want me to talk to him?

By all means have a chat, the more qoutes I get the better. I think your friends problem would be the travelling though!!!! nothing to say he couldn't o the job mind....... get him to speak to me or you speak to him and see if he's interested first....

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