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How to deal with the police...

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May be funny, BUT the guy ran a RED light, all the copper had to say he was doing him under road traffic act whatever section it was and job done...... CYCLIST ARE subject to the SAME traffic laws that us car drivers are, so why should he be able to get away with it!!!!!!! Copper should have arrested him for perverting the course of justice......

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I think theyre both a cock. The guy on the bike for being a know-it-all and doing whatever he'd done in the first place. And the cop should have known his job a bit better. I'd have said obstructing police rather than perverting. Also, i think he WAS trying to do him but couldnt as the guy wouldnt give his details.

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I think that is excellent.

The guy says he is a law student and he knows the law, which he clearly does. I have studied a bit of law and it's all about the words he uses.

Firstly any law that has the word act after it's name (like the road traffic act), is a statute law and statute law requires your consent. There are a few ways you can give your consent. The first way is to give them your details when they ask for them, another way is to accept the paperwork when they give it to you. Another way of giving your consent is to answer any of his questions. You might notice that when ever the cop asks him a question, he answers with another question, like 'am I obliged to answer your question?' In Legalese which is the language of law, the master asks the questions and the servant answers them, so whoever asks the question has authority over the other if they answer the question. The one with the highest authority gets to dictate the juresdiction. If both are asking questions then the man has the highest authority. The reason for this is because the policeman is there to serve us, they are our servents. Until a man has committed a crime under common law, which requires a victim, then the two men are equal but the policeman (which is a made up fictional entity within the law society ) is the servent. Man created the law society and the policman, so he has the highest authority because he is the creator.

Another way to gain juresdiction is to issue an order and if the other man accepts the order then that is consenting to his authority. When the cop gave him a request for his details, the man asked if it was an order and the cop says 'no it's a request'

One interesting law is the bills of exchange act, which says that if someone issues you an order, you have the right to issue a bill and if they don't accept the bill, you don't have to accept the order. This makes sense in the context of a restaurant but you can use this anytime someone in the law society issues you an order.

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So after all that crap, you think its fine for the cyclist to flout the law and run a red light? The bloke broke the law, the policeman was trying to do his job, regardless of the clever use of speech and who is boss or not, the guy was just being an arse because he KNEW he was in the wrong...Also are you saying that under the road traffic act that if I was caught speeding that I could refuse to give my consent by not accepting any paper work, and not answering any questions and that would be the end of it...I think not.....

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I'm not saying it was ok for him to run a red light. But there was no victim, without seeing the situation, you can't tell if there was anyone put at risk. If the lights are red and there is no traffic around then I would say it should be fine for him to cross the red light. I'm sure there was traffic but I expect he was not putting anyone in any danger. I don't think he should be given a fine for what he did. Maybe a warning but a fine is a bit much considering he didn't commit a crime, he broke a statute regulation.

This would not work for you, driving your car because you have registered your car with DVLA. When you register your car, you are agreeing to abide by the road traffic act. The cop can get your details from your reg plate and you have already consented, so you would have no chance.

I know of a man that has de-registered his car with DVLA and is driving his car with out any tax, mot, insurance or a license. He has been pulled over for speeding at over 100mph and was let go because he knew what to say to the policeman and the cop agreed that he had no juresdiction over him. I'm not saying I agree with him driving without insurance or with what he's doing. I wouldn't do it. He must get pulled over all the time and he might think he's clever getting away with it but he's the one that get's pulled over every where he goes.

What I like is that people are learning the law and not letting the police impose statute laws for petty things like parking, speeding, running red lights and many other regulations that they have, that they can fine us for.

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I got a ticket for going through a red light when I was a young driver. I had only just passed my test and I was in an old mk1 fiesta that didn't have the best brakes. The lights went yellow as I was approaching and I didn't want to slam the brakes on, so I went for it. The cops said the lights changed to red just before I crossed the line. That cost me a £60 fine which was a lot of money at the time and I also got 3 points which put my insurance up. I didn't think that was very fair. I should have got a warning not a fine.

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your view all depends on your experiences with the police, the police round here are total pricks and act like a tool with you no matter which end you are on, anybody that has dealt with them has said the same things, that they cant believe the way they conduct themselves in this constituency.

Therefore my view is i think that anyone getting 1 up on a pig is a good thing.

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your view all depends on your experiences with the police' date=' the police round here are total pricks and act like a tool with you no matter which end you are on, anybody that has dealt with them has said the same things, that they cant believe the way they conduct themselves in this constituency.

Therefore my view is i think that anyone getting 1 up on a pig is a good thing.


I agree.

The police are way to heavy handed when it comes to dealing with statute regulations. It's all about making money. Just like any other corporation, they have to make a profit. That's what these statutes are all about.... making money.

And another thing that winds me up, is police thinking they have power over us when they don't and them trying to enforce laws that they have just made up on the spot or trying to enforce laws that they don't know. They should at a minimum know the laws they are trying to enforce.

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