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The mystery of the coughing VR... With vagcom screen grabs

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So, couple of weeks ago, my VR (once warm) started cutting out randomly at traffic lights, or the revs would drop right down then hunt back up to idle. Then it started coughing whilst driving along, cutting all power for like a second and then jerking into life again!

Whilst all of this was happening, I noticed my mpg dropping, down 8-9 mpg to normal... Which in a cammed VR, is not nice :lol:

So anyway, got it hooked up to vagcom, and these were the logged codes :


Cleared the codes, went for a run, and no codes came up at all :( however, coolant temp sensor was reading 65-70degs, when it was clearly at 90-92?

UNTILLLL!!!! We were sat idling outside, and the car cut out, and brought up this code again:


And just managed to grab a screen dump of the graphs:


You can just see how as it cuts out, the MAF spikes up, a lot, saying it was taking in about 20 gallons of air a second, whilst the engine was off :-/

SO, couple of people suggested from this it could be the 4pin coolant temp sensor, so I got it and changed it. Ran much smoother, mpg was back up, so presumed we were all good again!

Wrong. Cut out at lights yesterday, and coughed, spluttered and hated life today!

So from this, what are we thinking guys? Replace MAF maybe?

Answers on a postcard.

Much love.

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