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other half is going for induction in the morning

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hey folks, just thought id let you all know i will be driving the missis over to the hospital at 7.30 in the morning to give birth to our first child, she is coming up to 2 weeks late and will need to be induced

really cant wait to see our little boy! we are so excited and i dont think i will sleep a wink until then! im preparing myself for a long labour!

anyways have a nice day everyone and speak soon

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1st child....you are going to be SOOOOOOO proud..I know I was. Hope everything goes well for you but mostly for you other half........Oh take a swear tin...you'll need it, an with the money she has to put in it you can have FORCED INDUCTION for you VR...how cool is that??!!!!!!!!!!

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thanx for the post and support guys, small update

been a very exhausting day with chelsea and the little one, been waiting for developments since 7.30am and finally at around 11pm there were signs of isaak finally sort of showing signs of playing ball, she is closer but not close enough, truly emotional and draining experience but it will be worth it in the end, my sympathys go out to all the women out there who have been there and done it, us lads who get moaned at all the time by the other half this is the time when you realise they should be allowed to moan at us

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