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got the backbox on today

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Well, i won a scorpion backbox last week on ebay. It arrived and i couldnt wait to get it on so i did and it looks gash and sounds ridiculous. Ive been driving as slow as possible to keep the revs down cos it just sounds stupid. Nice when on full chat but normal driving is no good. It does need refitting properly as i couldnt push it onto the centre pipe enough so it sticks out too much. I think i may have cured the clunking though which i thought was rear axle bushes. I dont recall hearing it in the short drive i went on so the old exhaust must have been close to something. So, i now have 2 back boxes for sale though this wont be available until i find another. The one i took off is a powerflow universal job that had been welded on. If anyones interested give me a shout. £10 plus postage for the powerflow and ill advertise this one when its off.


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How does it sound gash mate? Just wondering as I have the same backbox but the cat back section aswell, it can sound a bit boomy at certain revs but it doesn't sound shite, it increases the nice VR warble and is a nice deep tone, on full throttle it sounds better than, I dunno, a lion?

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It's just too loud. Ive put a supersprint middle box delete/centre pipe on too and its too much. Before i bid on it i searched on the forums and loads of posts came up saying theyre a loud box. I cant imagine what it would be like with a 6 branch and decat too.

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Well, got it fitted slightly better as it was blowing a bit. Still stupidly loud but ive got used to it and quite like it. Only problem is im putting my foot down more cos of the sound. I really cant imagine what its gonna sound like when i get a 6 branch and de-cat. It sticks out 3 or 4 inches beyond the bumper which im not keen on but it will go under another couple of inches which ill do when i get the other bits.

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