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I'm having a bad day

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POLICE are appealing for witnesses after a security van was targeted by criminals in Malvern today.

At around 12.10pm, a van was visiting Morrisons on Roman Way when a guard was pushed from behind and the cash box he was carrying was stolen.

The main offender was white, around 6ft 2ins tall, stocky and wearing dark clothing.

He was accompanied by as many as three other men who were sitting in a waiting car, a dark-grey Peugeot 307. All of the men are thought to be in their 30s and one was wearing a bright orange jacket and had light-coloured hair.

Detective Inspector Richard Rees of south Worcestershire CID said: "Thankfully it appears no weapons or serious violence were used in this robbery. However, it is totally unacceptable for security workers to be targeted in this way and we are mobilising a lot resources to find the offenders and their vehicle.

"If anyone has seen a dark grey Peugeot 307 or similar driving away from Malvern, possibly at speed or erratically, then please contact West Mercia Police straight away.

"Also, if anyone has seen a group of men matching the description, please call us. We need to know about any sightings before and after the robbery so we can trace their movements."

West Mercia Police can be contacted via the non-emergency police number 101 or information can be passed on anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

I was the unfortunate sod that got knocked down.

Then when I get home, I find the bank hadn't paid a bill for which I'm now being charged twice for I was sure there was enough money in the account. They say no t wasn't cleared even though it was cash??!!

Then I get a text from Paul saying something has cropped up and he is unable to buy my car ( not complaining about it thats life, other things are more important so thats all cool)

Then I get a text from a work colleague saying that last week the depot had a tip off that something might happen but they neglected to tell us....

My next question is ...


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Sh1t man. Hope u are ok. These things happen unfortunately, more often than not to people like us. Crack open a tinny or 2 If u haven't already n just chill. I've been to a funeral of a family member today, which makes u realise things could be slot worse. Tomorrows a whole new day......

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hmm should have read these 2 threads the other way round.

Sorry to hear that mate, as said have a nice cold beer and try to just deal with it and put it in its box and move forward, easy to say and not easy to do i know....

or take up krav maga lol j/k

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6am, only just read these messages. Had gone to bed at 9.30. fitful nights sleep, wife was snoring. Reckon she in training to compete with Martin!!!!

Anyway, thanks for the kind words, won't have any tinnys as I don't drink, so will have a cup of tea instead.

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