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Alex Ferguson is sat at home watching TV one morning when he receives a

> > phone call,

> >

> > "Hello boss, it's David Beckham"

> >

> > "Yes David what can i do for you"

> >

> > "Well boss, posh has gone out and bought me a jigsaw to do. The problem

> is

> > though none of the pieces fit together, it's impossible"

> >

> > "Whats it supposed be?"

> >

> > "The picture on the box is of a chicken, but like i said it's

> impossible,

> > it's really doing my head in now, if i don't get it finished by


> i

> > don't think i'll be able to concentrate on the game"

> >

> > Ferguson starts to panic now,

> > "i'll tell you what David bring it round here and we'll both have a go"

> >

> > "Cheers boss, thats brilliant"

> >

> > About half an hour later Beckham turns up at Ferguson's house with his

> > jigsaw under his arm. He knocks on the door and Ferguson lets him in.

> They

> > walk into the kitchen, and Beckham tips the pieces on to the table.

> >

> > Ferguson looks down at the table and then at Beckham,

> > "David, put the f*****g cornflakes back in the box"

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