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The Club has now decided to buy a new Gazebo for use at shows like Bugjam, Owners meet, GTi International and night racing events etc etc, it will also be taken to other shows that we can get it to via people in the club. The club can afford to put £150-£200 towards the new one and we had a thought as its the members that make the club what it is and with out your help and input the club would not be here, that if the members of the club could put a donation (no min no max its totally down to the individual member) towards it we could get a really good one that would last us a good few years instead of keep buying the cheap ones that only last a year or so.

So who would be willing to help the club out ????

if you would like to make a donation just send it to .... shop@vr6oc.com with a little note saying donation for Gazebo ......

or if you cant read the link above ....

shop @ vr6oc.com

obviously remove the spaces either side of @

And thanks for the support

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Come on bunny you being a heart breaker and life taker' date=' women want you and men want to be you. I thought you'd know that


It wasn't obvious to me but now you've clarified, my donation has been made...

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Do you have a supplier for the Gazeebo ? And sizes you are interested in ?

I obnly ask as my next door neighbour travles all round the world selling these things. He deals with exhibitions and shows and also supplies all the gazeebo's to the F1 teams. He was showing me the ones the other day for Ferarri :P

I have no idea the prices, but he may be able to do a deal or something. Would ahyone be interested in me asking him next time I see him ?

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