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This is getting silly now....we are being hit daily by Spammers, and it’s not like they are just putting 1 post up they are putting multiple posts up.

I have counted EIGHT this morning between 7.30 and 9.45. There must be SOMEWAY to stop these moronic cretinous time-wasting malicious p****s from accessing the forum.

The posts are OBVIOUS as they usually have absolutely NOTHING to do with CARS let alone VR’s, so I say to all, DON’T open them and respond saying this is a spam, leave it alone, PM a moderator so they can get rid of the crap.

A current favourite of their’s is LOUIS VITTON, another is a pile of CHINESE or JAPANESE writing oh and the WHY PAY MORE thread.

But PLEASE can SOMEONE come up with a way of blocking them, or certain parts of the world having to have a verification process done BEFORE they can post??!! Also what about the i[p address, is there no way of blocking those?

Rant over, for a while

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mate, like i've on more than one occasion, these are REAL people, not automated, its impossible to stop real people from posting on a public forum....

They post from different IP's that appear to come from europe, so cant block by country and they connect via proxies from outside of China - therefore if i blocked these IP ranges most of europe wont be able to connect to the site.

Every moderator on here has the ability to use the forum tools to remove spam easily, and this is what we are currently doing as the only way to address is to be re-active as opposed to being pro-active....

sorry, there is literally nothing I can do to stop real people from posting without affecting the experience for the other registered members.

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Just a thought, I have no clue when it comes to security etc on websites, but would it be possible to block them another way.. I was thinking of making a field in the Sign Ul but mandatory.

My theory is if you made the location field a mandatory field, could you not block certain words? such as if 'china' was entered into the location field, it would prevent them from signing up. Maybe the same kind of way that it would bring an error message up if incorrect characters are used in a login name?

Just a thought, but not got a clue how it would work in real life.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all,

I have now added a "Human Check" during signup where you have to answer a simple maths question - if you answer it incorrectly it will won't allow the user to complete the signup process.

Further to this, I have I removed 1,820 spam users from the database meaning that existing spammers who have signed up before this measure has been put in place will no longer be able to post on the website.



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