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Strange noise after switching off.

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Noticed this today, anyone have any ideas?

I got home and switched off. After a couple of seconds there was a really loud noise coming from the engine bay somewhere. The only way I can describe it, is that it sounds like the windscreen washer pump but REALLY loud. I couldn't work out where it was coming from, and sat back in the car. I just happened to nudge the wiper stalk up a notch and it stopped! I pulled it back down and it started again. The noise seems to start if the stalk is left in the bottom two positions. If it's in any other position it will stop and it will also stop if I pull the stalk towards me (as if I was using the wash/wipe). Oh, it also stops if I turn the ignition on?!

Any ideas boys and girls? The noise is driving me mental lol.

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Only thing I can think of is the Auxillery water pump. It's on the right hand side of the engine as you look at it, just above the coil pack. It's a small cylinder in shape.

Basically with an Ally head they get hot and can warp so this secondary/auxillery pump circulates collant around the top to avoid any warping when the engine is hot.

As I said, it's the only thing I can think of :-)


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Well..........it's not that :( I've noticed though, that it will stop if I do any of the following (note, the ignition is off, so although I've said "on", the screen and fans etc aren't actually switched on, they're just in that position):

Switch the heated screen on.


Turn the interior fan on


Turn the wipers to either the first or second continuous setting.


Pull the wiper stalk, as if I was using the wash/wipe function.

If for instance the heated screen is on, but everything else is off, the noise can't be heard, but as soon as I turn the heated screen off, the noise will start.

If I switch the ignition to the accessory position, I can turn all the other things off and the noise won't happen, however if I then turn the ignition off, it'll start again.

It definitely seems to be coming from under the scuttle panel, but I don't seem to be able to get the clips out without mashing them (any tips here?).

TBH I'm expecting to find this is some sort of electrical problem. This car is pretty damn good where the mechanicals and bodywork are concerned, but the wiring looks like it's been attacked by Stevie Wonder.

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