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Hints, tips, advice for pay negotiation page 4

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Not quite true as I had an interview for my Saturday job 28 years ago.

Apart from the obvious suit, hair cut and clean shoes has anyone got any advice or recent experience of job interviews?

Any positive help would be appreciated.

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Congrats on the interview mate, hope it all goes well.

My 2 cents, be prepared, research about the company, their history and their goals. also what you will be doing in the job, roles e.t.c. know the job you will be doing intimately.

but mainly just remember that they too are people, so RELAX! try to be yourself (But not too much ;)) Even if you already have given them your CV, take one anyway for you to refer to, and your relevant qualifications. try to always be polite, try no to ermm and ahh.. dont want to teach you to suck eggs but this is something im really bad at!

other then that all i can say is the best of luck, enjoy it, and whats the new job in?

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I think I've considered most of those and they all sound like good advice. I know the company well and some of those that I'd be working with. Knowing the companies mission statement is a must as it is often asked. I'll be taking my PDR and a copy of my CV (it was tailored to this particular job).

Any more suggestions?

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Just be you mate , and remember that's it's not the end of the world if you don't get it , I know it sounds silly but it helps you relax in to it, and think about a happy place just before you go in , time spent with family etc , again sounds silly but you go in to it with out barriers and complete calmness , I'm 100% sure you will walk it they will be lucky to have you on board !! Go for it mate and all the luck to you

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Well today I got all dressed up in my nice new suit and made my way to the interview. I was sat opposite 4 engineers, each with their own specialisations. End result is I've been offered the job pending negotiating a package.

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