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Begi RRFPR Setup Advice needed

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Hi chaps,

I'm going down the Begi route for starters on my vrt project. Has anyone had any experience with setting these up? I've read the installation instructions on the manufacturers website and all seems fairly simple.

My only problem is that they say it should be run in sequence with a standard fuel pressure regulator for baseline pressure. As I'm running the a Schimmel short runner and rail, I no longer have anywhere on the rail to mount the stock regulator. My question is, do I definitely have to run the stock reg or is there any way of installing the Begi on it's own without it?

Thanks in advance,


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Yeah I used one of those, the model 2025 - http://www.bellengineering.net/product_info.php?cPath=7_76&products_id=4

You don't need the stock FPR as well. Simply set the base fuel pressure then turn the little brass knob to set the rate of rise. I can't remember how many turns I used but the idea is you tune it until you see 11.5-12 AFR on the wideband in boost.

You will also need an uprated pump if not fitted already. The Walbro GSS340 intank is a good one.

Few things to bear in mind if using the stock management:

1) The timing map is standard, so will rely heavily on the knock sensors to pull the timing in boost as it's too advanced as standard.

2) The MAF voltage will clip and you'll need a clamp. Split Second tuning make a good one, or there are some circuits online if you want to make one. It's just a simple voltage blocking circuit that stops the MAF exceeding 5V.

3) The fuel pressures involved can be very high in boost, so make sure you use decent fuel hose and fittings.

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