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need some info on a vacuum pipe

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After changhing my tb I stupidly forgot to clip in the long vacuum pipe that goes from the inlet down to a sensor by the maf. I'm assuming this then goes to the carbon canister. Anyway its now melted against the heat shield and I was just wondering...can I just block it up. And does anyone know the diameter of the pipe so I can replace it.

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k thanks mate. the black one goes to the tb/inlet area so clear one must be fuel tank breather. guess ill just block the pipe to the inlet with a screw for tommorow morning as i gotta get to work and leave the rest venting. im just glad i spotted it when i did.

its melted solid to the heat shield! doh

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If you are going to get shot of that hose and not replace it....

The crankcase vent can vent to atmosphere but the system is designed to be sealed as the air it vents is supposed to be recirculated as the maf already accounted for it. If VTA you need to block the port on the intake elbow, and you'd need to block the port on the inlet manifold where the hose attached

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