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Sprung a leak (coolant pipe) Semi urgent!

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Stopped at traffic lights i got steam pouring out of the Engine bay

It seems the Coolant pipe that comes out of the head just above the exhaust manifold heat shield and goes into the large moulding (like a moulded Tsection)

Its leaking from around the Clamp, those old clamps seem to eat the dam hoses!

As its so far down could i get away with cutting a small piece off and refitting

Cant think of any other ideas an i dont fancy finding out the price of that pipe!

There seems a bit of slack on that pipe so id hope i could get away with it

Thankyou in advance

sorry quick edit, will i have to drain the system to remove this pipe. im guessing yes

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Just make sure its cold, take the cap off the water bottle and just pull the pipe off. You'll loose some coolant but won't have to drain the whole system. You should be able to cut it down a bit though and put a jubilee clamp on it instead, but I'd have a look for another one just incase.

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