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Song(s) that remind you of an event with the VR6 crew?

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It's been 6 painful months since I had to leave the VR6 experience behind. As much I don't like thinking about it (yes, I would go and buy one now if my girlfriend allowed), a lot of the music I listen to stirs thoughts from their safe place.

I found that on the Club camping events, Nigel (the Goth), had similar tastes in music (epic dancing!!) and there are a few songs I listen to regularly that remind me of GTI International 2009 and a few other events afterward.


That is one of the main culprits. I notice the dancing guy also, coincidentally looks like JK. :D

The other is "The Prodigy - Omen".

Does anyone here have songs that remind them of any VR6 events?.

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